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Chapter Nine: Vampires

** Once we reached the third cellar, the world around the Vampire and I became pitch black and the air thickened with dust and god knows what else! The Vampire's fingers were curled 'round my wrist and he continuously lead me deeper and deeper into the cellars. "W-Where are we going?" I asked meekly, listening to my voice echo off of the stone wall beside me. His only response was a grunt and a light chuckle, his hand tightened around my wrist and, somehow, missed a step on the stairs; I fell forwards and cried out, falling onto the Vampire's back.

He, however, was unfazed by this; he merely paused and turned, shaking his head at me, for I had fallen onto my butt. He rolled his eyes in disappointment and lifted me from the stairs, carrying me the rest of the way. He threw me over his shoulder, so the top half of me hung like a limp noodle! He, all of a sudden, began laughing. "What?" I asked and he sighed.

"Why did you buy a see-through nightgown, mademoiselle?" He asked; it wasn't see-through!

"You must be mistaken, monsieur, it's not see-through, it's cotton!"

"Um hmm, tell that to your purple, lace, butterfly undergarments." He replied, I gasped and attempted to cover up, to which he threw me up in the air a little bit, causing me to retake my soggy noddle position. I felt my cheeks heat as he walked down another level, how many cellars did this place have?! Then, as this wonder crossed my mind, I was slung down from his shoulder, and onto pillows! Fluffy, satin and velvet, golden embroidered pillows!

But, I soon found that I was bobbing up and down, I was...I was on a boat of some sort! I looked up to him to see that he was climbing into the boat, a paddle in hand. Slowly, quietly, he pushed us along, the only noise was the water lapping against the boat and being pushed around with the paddle.
"Where are we going?" I asked once again; he sighed.


Where, somewhere?" I asked, smiling; his eyes rolled once again and that was the end of that conversation! He could be extremely quiet, and, that unsettled me, I needed some type of noise, some talking, something! I couldn't stand it being quiet; I didn't and still to this day, do not know why. "So" I started again.

"How did Donna find you?" I asked, stretching out my legs a bit.

"The same way you did, she came down to the fourth cellar screaming." He answered, becoming quiet again.

"So, when do you need to feed?" I asked, supporting myself by my elbows; he grinned and shrugged.

"Usually, it's skipped days, namely, if I feed on Monday, I skip Tuesday, and feed on Wednesday. On those days, I feed once to twice a day, depending on how hungry I am." He replied, grinning; this reminded me of something!

" ate my food" I replied. "The food I made" I clarified; he nodded and silence ensued for a moment. "Well? Did you like it?"

"Quite so. I haven't had unliquidized food in a while; yours was altogether one of the dishes I would wish for as a last meal." Said he, I smiled, but he looked not to my face, he stared at the water before him, his eyes shining ever brighter in the pitch blackness.

"How well can you see?" I asked quietly, he chuckled once more.

"You're completely too curious." Said he, I shrugged.

"Well, I learnt about ghouls in storybooks and to now find that, at least, one of them is real is mind boggling; does this mean that other ghouls are real too?" I asked and he gave a frustrated sigh.

Do you actually think I know, Mademoiselle June?" He asked, his eyes narrowing, I shrugged and he raised his hand to point. "There is where we're headed." He replied, through a thick, soup-like fog upon the water I saw a small house! A house, no bigger than my home in America!

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