haha this sucks

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I’m a visha kanya and I have orders to kill. Anyone I kiss dies in a hour. I didn’t choose to be this way and nor do I want to be. My handler tells me that I am eliminating those who are a threat to the kingdom but I’m suspicious. If I’m killing those who threaten us why do I have to sneak around after dark just to meet the target? My thoughts are interrupted by a voice I’ve grown to hate.

“Rajakumari!” My handler barks in his gruff voice.

“Finn please stop calling me princess. What do you need?” Finn has looked after me my whole life. My mother died in child birth and I never see my father. Finn is the one who made me who I am today, a poisonous assassin.

“I will call you what you are. You need to wear your hair in a braid tonight along with your kerala” all I do is nod in agreement. If I argue I might get punished. I start to braid my hair and wait for him to leave. Nala comes out of her hiding place as soon as he leaves to lay in my lap. Once I finish braiding my hair I let Nala jump off so I can go change.

As soon as the sun set on the horizon I head to the little bookshop in Madurai. I look around the bookshop for five minutes before the target shows. She is looking at a book on Hindu Mythology. I walk up to her as ask her name even though I already know the answer.

“Marie, and you are?” I’m taken back by her melodious voice. I need to get closer to her so I can poison her but I don’t think I can. I’m stuck in place staring at her short light brown hair and ocean blue eyes. Then I realized I haven’t replied for a while and she’s staring at me with a confused expression.

“S-sorry” my face feels like a volcano erupting  and I can barely think straight “I’m Eka” she laughs the sound is music to my ears. My face is starting to cool and I can speak normally again.

“Would you like to go to the bakery down the street?”

“Yeah sure” I didn’t expect her to be the one to ask me but, this could work in my favor.

We walk down the street and she buys me a cupcake. I kiss her on the cheek.
"s-sorry I have to go" I can hear her calling my name as I exit the shop, but I don’t want to be with her when she experiences the symptoms of the poison.

As I make my way back to the palace with tears in my eyes and I stop and buy sleeping pills. The cashier gives me my item in a plastic bag. Once in my room I take the pills, tie the bag on my head and fall into external sleep. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2018 ⏰

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