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Who said that words cannot hurt?

Who said that voices sounding curt

Cannot harm us? Do they feel

That humans having wire frames of steel?

I'll explain this short prologue,

My external monologue.

It comes for paying a dear price,

For letting others rule my life.

After all, friends should be near,

Like sisters, brothers, family dear,

But what happens when this goes wrong?

Fam'ly turn to strangers 'fore long.

For when I'm doing fine and well,

To me they'd come. I did not dwell,

On the fact that if times were bad,

They'd go away, those friends I'd had.

Which is why I will decree,

This place will be autocracy,

Where only I shall ever choose,

The money that I keep or lose.

No money shall stray to other eyes,

Not ever will "friends" help me decide,

Where my money's ever spent,

So that friends may gather, truly meant.

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