❀Alyssa ❀

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❀ ❀ ❀"This is the one",I nodded remembering the address Alyssa had mentioned millions of times,"Are you sure?",He asked looking up at it,"Yes I'm fucking sure,just

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"This is the one",I nodded remembering the address Alyssa had mentioned millions of times,
"Are you sure?",He asked looking up at it,
"Yes I'm fucking sure,just...Stay here",I jump out of the car and speed walk up to the door,
I made an abrupt stop and pounded my fiat on the door,
The door opens to reveal a middle aged white woman who has more what looked like stress wrinkles than my nan,
"Yeah?",She asked looking me up and down,
"Leslie here?",I ask going I got the name right,
"He doesn't live here anymore",She shook her head,
"Do you know where he lives?",I ask raising a brow at her,
"Who are you?",She asked stepping out,
"Friend of his daughter",I step back,
"Here",She walked inside and came back out with a piece of paper,
"This is where he lives now",She said handing me it,
"Cheers",I give her a nod and jog back to the car,
"Here",I hand him the address,

❀ ❀ ❀

James and I strutted up the road after the car had decided to break down because just our fucking luck,
"What If Alyssa's not there?",I ask making him halt,
"She will be",He nods and starts again,

❀ ❀ ❀

We stood outside the caravan in the pitch black staring at the door,
"You knock I speak",I say to him,
He gives me a weird look but knocks anyway,
The door flys open to reveal Alyssa standing on the doorway,
She glances at us both and gives a confused look,
I take a deep breath and laugh,
"Long time no see huh?"

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