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perhaps i never loved enough
if i'd only loved much more
i would not nearly had so much
waiting for you in store

if I had given away my heart
to those who came before
it would be safer left in parts
but now you have it all


LILIANA was mad. No, that was a huge understatement, Liliana was fuming. She stormed down the hall towards Jon's office, sword in hand, she wanted to scare him.

No, she wouldn't actually use the sword, it was just there to display how angry she really was. She planned on having Scorch almost attack him as well. She would make a storm. And he would have to pay hell. Her foot steps echoed throughout the hall as she stomped her way down the corridor, she turned down the hall that lead to his room, almost running into Sam.

"Hey, Jesse, my man!" He called loudly, pounding her on the chest. She laughed, despite her mood. Sam was always good at cheering her up, no matter what he always had a joke to fill the silence.

"It's okay Sam, there's no one else around." She smiled.

"Oh. Well then, how are you, Lili?" He hugged her.

"Not so great currently. I'm mad at you know who." She nodded towards Jon's office.

"Ah." He nodded understandingly. "It can be easy to get mad at him, but just know everything he does has a reason behind it. Always for the greater good." He smiled, balancing his papers he was holding in one arm as he patted the girl on her head.

"Good luck." He smiled before continuing on his journey.

"I'm gonna need it." She muttered as soon as he was out of ear shot. She quickly made it to the end of the corridor, his door was open a crack and she could hear voices inside.

"Winterfell was your home once." A strong feminine voice rang. Knowing that Shireen's voice was much lighter and her mothers was much more boring, she assumed it must be the Lady Melisandre. Liliana hadn't spoken to the woman directly but she had seen the red head whispering in King Stannis' ear, advising and persuading.

"Castle Black is my home now." Jon answered dutifully. "The Nights Watch takes no part in the wars of the Seven Kingdoms."

"There is only one war; life against death." Melisandre spoke. "Come, let me show you what you are fighting for." Liliana heard clothes ruffle and peaked round the corner to see what was going on. She held Scorch back from bursting through the doors, ordering him to sit back and wait.

"You're gonna show me some vision in the fire?" Jon asked, as Melisandre approached him. "Forgive me My Lady, I don't trust in visions." She was now standing over him as he sat in the Commander's chair.

She leant back against his desk. "No visions. No magic." She paused, her voice sounded almost inspiring. "Just life."

Liliana couldn't see from behind but she could see as Melisandre opened her dress, revealing herself to Jon. His eyes wandered down to her body, taking in the full view.

Melisandre slowly bent down and picked up Jon's ungloved hand, trailing it up her body and letting him rest it on one of her breasts. Liliana froze. Something burned inside her.

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