Chapter 1: The Day Before

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December 28th

The pale light above my bed gives off barely enough light for me to see around my room. The beeps coming from the monitor behind me bounce around in my head.

The door creaks as someone pushes it open, I glance over in their direction.

"Riley?" A short, chubby woman asks before clicking her pen.


"It's time for your medicine. Dr. Humber will be here soon."

"Thank you." She smiles and leaves the room.

I sigh and pick at my gown. I hate being here.

"Miss. Berman, how are you doing today?" A deep voice questions. I look up at Dr. Humber.

"As good as yesterday, I guess." I watch as he sits down on his seat and wheels over next to my bed. He sets his clipboard on his lap and leans forward.

"The same? Why is that?" He smiles after.

Dr. Humber is like one of those doctors from the soap operas that they play here nonstop. Very attractive and not very old. He's in his early thirties but looks like he's still a teenager. His face is smooth except for the small stubble forming on his chin. His brown hair is buzzed on the sides and long at the top, flipped to the side and gelled down. His light blue eyes are soft, you can tell he's friendly.

"Because I wanna get out of here." I cross my arms under my blanket. I've been here for over two weeks.

"Being in a car accident isn't something you can just walk away from, Riley. Your legs still need to heal up and your bruises don't seem to be getting better."  I nod and lean back in my bed.

Dr. Humber stands and circles around my bed before he starts to mess with my monitor and IV. I close my eyes and rub my head.

"Headache? You haven't had your painkiller in awhile."

"Can I have some please?" He nods and makes a note on his clipboard.

He walks over to the cabinet and pulls a bottle out. He shakes two into his hand and grabs my water bottle off the table.

"Thank you," I say and take my pills. I take a drink of water and set my bottle back on the table.

"How's my dad?" I ask. He looks up from his clipboard.

"He's doing better. His bruising is going down and we're getting a cast on his leg soon."

"Has my mom came to visit today?"

"She's in his room now, want me to go fetch her?"

"If you're not busy." He waves his hand and writes my next dosage on the white board.

"I'll be back in a few hours to check on you, I'll send your mother your way."

"Alright, thanks."

"You're welcome." He smiles before disappearing down the hallway.

I grab the remote beside me and flip through the channels to see if any good shows have come on yet.

I toss the remote back on my bed just as my mom comes through the doorway. I smile at her and open my arms, she hugs me and kisses my head.

"Is dad okay?"

"He's doing better. He finally got his cast on his leg and they were putting his arm one on when I left."

"I feel so bad."

"Honey, it's not your fault. It's not like you were driving."

"I know but I'm not hurt as bad as Dad is, I wish it was me instead of him." Mom shakes her head and wraps her arms around me, tears slipping from her eyes.

"Don't say that. I wouldn't wish this on anybody."

"I'm sorry, Mom."

"It's okay."

Mom stays in my room for a couple more hours before stating that she was going to go check on Dad and then head home.

"Want me to bring anything for you tomorrow?" She asks as she leans down and pecks my head.

"Could you bring me a few more books? I've already read these twice." She nods and starts towards the door.

"I love you." She says. I smile at her.

"I love you more." She shakes her head.

"Not possible." I watch as she leaves and Dr. Humber enters.

"Good evening, Miss. Berman. Ready for your last dose of the day?"

I unwrap the thin sheet from my body and sit up, a blast of freezing air quickly hits my bare arms.

He walks back to my bed and hands me a paper cup. I take it and shake the pills into my hand, tossing them into my mouth quickly. I grab my water bottle and take a sip.

Humber smiles when I'm done and tosses my cup. He starts to mess with my monitor again.

The lights in the room began to fade even more and I feel dizzy. I grab my head and rub my right temple.

"Riley? Are you alright?" I hear. The voice sounds so far away.

"Um, I-I..." I sink down into my bed and close my eyes. My limbs go numb.

I feel the sheet being pulled around my shoulders and then a heavier blanket on top of that. Good. It suddenly got colder.

My eyes grow heavy and I feel the need to sleep, but I can feel someone's presence.

"Get some rest, Riley." A voice whispers in my ear before rubbing my forehead with their thumb, "you have a big day tomorrow."

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