Chapter 2: The Heart Monitor

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December 29th

I open my eyes and instantly groan. The lights grow bright and blind me, I shield my eyes.

"Riley?" My head could have literally snapped off from how fast I turned. Dr. Humber sits on the sofa near the far window with his clipboard in his hand.

"Wh-What happened last night?" I ask and rub my head. His footsteps get closer and I see the shadow of a cup fall over my bed. I take it and dump the pills into my hand. I swallow them without water and gag after.

Humber tosses the cup and writes my next dosage on the board.

"You never answered my question."

"What do you mean what happened last night? You took your pills and then went to sleep. You've had a couple stressful weeks recently, maybe you were dreaming." His voice never grows angry, it stays the same sweet tone.

"Yeah, maybe I was." I believe it. I've always had realistic dreams.

The sun shines through the blinds and for once, the room is warm.

"Wanna take a little walk and test your legs?"

"What if my legs aren't ready?" He smiles,

"I'll be there every step of the way." He sets his clipboard on the table and comes towards me.

I nod and pull my blankets off my body. I slowly begin to pull my legs out from under the sheets and set them on the floor. Black and brown run up and down my legs, spots of tan can be seen some places. Scars and unhealed cuts line my thighs and knees.

I grab onto Humber's hand and groan as he helps me get to my feet. He gets behind me, keeping a hand wrapped around my waist and ties my gown. I blush in response as my underwear is on full display and I haven't showered in a few days. Disgusting.

He wheels my IV over and I grab ahold of it, my knuckles soon turn white. Humber takes notice.

"Hey, hey," I look up at his face, "it's alright. I'm not going to let anything happen to you."

I nod in response and loop my arm with his. He slowly begins to guide me out of the room.

I stumble a little as I go, but I make it to the end of the hallway.

"Are you alright so far?" He asks me as he turns us around a corner. I nod slowly.

"This isn't as bad as I thought, actually." He smiles at me.

"You were fearful, that's all. You're doing great."

We enter the reception area, I watch as people walk down the long hall in front of us.

"Dr. Humber?" He looks at the blonde receptionist as she bats her false lashes vigorously. I mentally gag. "What are you doing with a patient? It's your lunch."

"Lunch can wait, Riley is my main priority right now." He grins at me but I feel awful. He shouldn't skip his lunch to help me.

"But James, don't you need a break? You're always working and-"

"I said I'm helping a patient," He snaps, "I can eat later."

I'm taken back by his harsh tone and watch as the receptionist sinks back into her chair. He waves his fingers at her and moves us down the hall.

I stay silent as I'm afraid he'll lash out at me. I've dealt with anger before, but I'm not up for it at the moment.

"I'm sorry about that, I wish you wouldn't have seen me that way."

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