A new beginning

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"I cant believed we beat the Dark Dragon" said Jake . "Yes young dragon  and you did it you should be proud" said Lao Shi  ." Yeah but still not over there still things out  there try to destroy the human and magically world"  said Jake  serious tone . "Yes but your are not alone you have your friends , family and your girlfriend all here to help you" said Lao Shi . "Thanks grandpa I need that I am going to talk to Trixie and Spud about somethings "said Jake happily . :Have nice night "said Lao Shi "I am going to sleep". Hey Jake said spud and trixie . Hey guy what up. Well you should be happy you got Rose , Lover boy said trixie playful . Yeah , yeah I am happy finally I  have the girl I love with me again . said jake. ohhhh! said trixie and spud . Shut up you guys  your jealous because I have someone that dating me you guys don't  . jake said playful Hey not cool bro you I am trying get Stacy !! said spud annoyed . Hey claim down spud , jake is just playing around . trixie said to help jake out . I know but it still hurt said spud still a little bit salty. Sorry spud I didn't mean to hurt you . Its okay jake . So I want to ask is Rose going back to New York? trixie ask  Yeah she  was going to transfer our high school anyway so is that great are what!! said jake with full happiness in his voice . Claim down jake said haley . Were you listening to my conversation this hole time! Maybe haley said with a little whistle in her voice . You are brat you know that . jake say playfully. Yeah but I am you sister it my job to be a brat to you. she said smiling . Ha ha why are you here ? Oh yeah dad and mom ask you guys to go to sleep because dad want  to learn more about magical creatures in the morning. Ok say jake , spud and trixie .

Next Morning 

So jake how is like being the American dragon ask jake dad. Oh it ok but it a lot of hard work and time but I am happy that I know I am helping other people out.  Omg !scream a ghost , are you the American dragon she yell in excitement . Yes jake say proud . Can I take a picture with you please if it not to much trouble . No not at all jake said Then they took the picture the little ghost float away happily . Sorry dad your were talk jake ask. Jake you are like a super star his dad say , no more like a super hero. The day end there about to go home in till jake got a call on his phone. Hey guys I am going to answer this call ok. ok just do fast honey his mom say.                                          

 Phone call jake bold and Rose

What up

Hey it me Rose

Rose how did you get my number?

I remember it silly!

oh yeah and what do want to talk about with me 

Oh yeah I am going to go to New York on Friday not on next  Friday

No way that awesome I cant wait into we can hang out oh I am going on the plane so I need to end the call ok bye!

Ok I love you bye !

I love you bye

This is going to be awesome I can feel 

yay part one over I will try to post on wenday , Friday , and  Saturday I hope you like this bye  

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