He Is Still Mine

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Harry woke up blinking with a slight pain in his head and to the sounds of yelling. He groaned softly as the voices grew louder and slowly opens his eyes.

"Why do you keep causing him so much pain?" He heard Niall's voice, yelling and cussing out. But to whom, he didn't know.

He casts his eyes around the room he was lying in and realised he was in Zayn's room. But how did he get here?he frowned.

"You son of a bitch!!" Niall yelled out again and Harry frown deeper. Could it be that Niall and Liam are having relationship problems? He thought.

"I am taking him to my place and you can't stop me"

"Take one more step and you are dead" Zayn growled in his throat and Harry's heart skips a beat.

So It's Niall and Zayn. And he knows when those two are arguing, it mainly because of him.

"Look Zayn I think its best if Harry stays in Niall's house. After all he did lie to Harry's parents that, their son would be sleeping over in his house" Liam said.

"No Harry stays here, I will take care of him myself"

"I am not going to let my best friend stay with a control freak and an abuser like you!" Niall yelled.

"Where the fuck do you think you are going?" Zayn yelled and the voices grew louder again. Harry could hear the struggles and resistance behind the door, making him more nervous.

Suddenly the door flew open, Niall and Liam rushed in followed by an angry looking Zayn.

Niall quickly ran to Harry and hugged him. "Are you okay?" Niall looked at him worriedly and Harry shook his head with tears in his eyes.

"l am taking you to my house, Okay? Niall whispers to him and helps him to sit on the bed. Harry winced in pain as he slowly sat up against the headboard and looks up at Zayn who was fuming.

Then he remembered when had happened, Zayn choking Ashton by the neck and him being fucked against a desk in an empty classroom.

He didn't want to be alone with Zayn for now, he was scared of what his boyfriend might do next. So he nodded his head when Niall asked him the question.

"Can I take you to my house?"

As Harry was been helped by Niall from the bed, he nearly collapsed on the floor due to his weak state. Fortunately Liam was quick to catch his body in his arms before it hits the floor.

He carried Harry bridal style and Niall instructed them to leave quickly. As they were about to step out of the door, Zayn's words haulted their steps.

"Do you let him control you? Or you can only do that in the bedroom, when you are fucking him?"

Liam turned around and gave Zayn a cold look "I don't force Niall for my selfish reasons, like you do to Harry" Liam said as they both exchanged knowing looks.

Niall rubbed Liam's back to calm him down and scoffed before they left the room.

Zayn cleached his fists as he watched Liam carrying Harry out of their share apartment to Niall's car from his window.

He glanced at Justin was behind the wheel and frowned "Maybe it's best for Harry to stay with his human friends for a few hours"


"You are going to break up with him, got it?" Niall sighs as he takes the empty glass from his hand and placed it on the table beside the bed.

"No.... Zayn and I will have to talk it out, in order to move past this problem" Harry mumbled.

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