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We walk into the kitchen after cleaning up. Everyone is sitting around the living room watching something on TV.

Andy looks up and smiles, “It’s about time you two came out of there.”

I blush and Jinxx laughs. I look over at Ash and CC, they are looking at me funny. “What? Did I forget to get dressed?” I look down pretending I might have forgotten too.

Ash stands up and walks over to me. He looks me up and down, trying to figure something out. “Did you do something different?”

“Uhmmmm…no, I don’t think so.”

It was CC turn, “Something’s definitely different.”

There is no way they could know already, no way. It just happened, it’ll take at least a month before anything would even show up on an ultrasound, or for me to even start feeling any symptoms. I think. I don’t have experience with the pregnant by the supernatural types.

Jake came up to me looking at me sideways. “You’re both right, something’s different.”

The 3 of them start circling me, I look to the girls and they just shrug their shoulders. Andy hangs his head down, looking as if he is in deep thought. Suddenly his heads shoots up, and he stands. Slowly he walks towards me. Like he was stalking me. Hesitant to get to close.

“Ok, you are all freaking me out.”

Andy stops short of bumping into me, inspecting me. “Is there something you want to tell us Rayne?”


His Hand comes out and presses against my stomach, and his eyes go wide. Ash, CC and Jake gasp and let out a “No way.” Jinxx is sitting on the couch proud, and smiling.

The girls got it, Jules screams out “THERE IS NO FREAKING WAY, ARE YOU PREGNANT?”

I smile. Andy looks to Jinxx, “Father has really blessed you two, and you both deserve this more than anyone.”

CC starts jumping around, “I’m going to be an uncle, I’m going to be an uncle!” Ash soon joins in, followed by Jake, and then the least expected, Andy joins them.

The girls run up and hug me, Jules has tears in her eyes. “From what Andy has told us, the fact that angels can’t get humans pregnant, this is a big thing. Are you ready sis?”

“Yes,” I say looking up at Jinxx, still smiling, and laughing at the guys, “I have all of you by my side to help me through this, and Jinxx to be by my side always. I couldn’t be more ready.”

“And you’ll have my help as well!” I look over as someone bursts through my door, another naked angel.

“Michael?” Andy kneels and the guys follow his lead.

I sigh, “Just fucking great.”

Jinxx looks at me, scolding me with his eyes. “My love, this is Michael, he is second to Father, you should kneel.”

I look up at the huge white winged angel, “No offense honey, but the last time I trusted one of you white winged Angels, I was back stabbed, and raped. Please excuse my lack of trust and my forward hostility.”

“It is to be expected warrior, but you cannot have this child in a hospital, so you will have me to deal with.”

“Oh shit.” I hang my head.

“Father was right, she is tough.”

Andy and the guys stand, as Jinxx walks to me, putting his arm protectively around my waist. Even he has trust issues with this after all that has happened.

Cast from Heaven, We are your Saviors (completed)Where stories live. Discover now