Home From Tour

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Jules and the girls took over driving the rest of the way home. I was ordered not to drive anymore. By all of them, the girls included.

“I hate sitting around doing nothing.”

“My love, relax. We’re almost home.”

“And then what? More sitting?”

“You are very agitated today Rayne.” Ash walks over sitting on the other side of me.

“I’m not used to being the one doing nothing, I’m always doing something.”

“But my love, you’re pregnant. You need to learn to relax a little.”

“Yeah, I know. Sorry.”

Ash hugs me, “Don’t worry Rayne, 3 more months. You’ll be wishing you were still pregnant.”
I laugh, “You, my dear, are probably right.”

Shawna sits across from me, “Why don’t you finally start planning the wedding, I know you want it done before the baby comes.”

“There isn’t much to plan, it’ll be a small ceremony at the church, just us and my parents. The dress will have to wait until I’m bigger so I can find one that fits right. And the ‘reception’, if you want to call it that, will be at the house, also just us.”

“I’m cooking!” I hear CC scream from the bathroom.

“I’m ok with that.”

Just then I felt the baby kick, making me jump. He’s finally strong enough to really make it noticeable. I smile turning to Jinxx, “Give me your hand.” I place his hand on my stomach, and the baby kicks again.

He pulls me closer keeping his hand on me. “That’s amazing.” He presses his forehead to the side of my face and whispers, “That’s our little boy.”

Ash touches my shoulder, “Can I feel?”

I take his hand and place it where Jinxx’s was. Within a few seconds Justin kicks, twice. Ash jumps like he was bitten. “Wow, ok, that’s a little strange.”

We all laugh at him.


“Oh, my bed, and my tub. I’ve missed you so much!” I walk into the bathroom, turning on the water to my bath, then realizing that I’m not allowed to take one.

I sigh, Jinxx walks in, “Whats wrong?”

“I can’t take a bath.”

“Why not?”

“Because you’re not supposed to take baths while you’re pregnant. Something about your core temperature rising and it not being good for the baby”

“What about a hot shower? I could use one myself, the shower on the bus only goes so far between all of us.”

“I don’t have any other choice. I miss my baths though.”

“I’ll rub your back my love, and take the pain. You know that.” He stretches putting his wings away. I pout, he sees this and smiles. “Don’t look at me like that, I can’t fit in there with my wings.”

“Maybe that’s what we’ll do next. Upgrade the bathroom, put a bigger tub and shower stall in.”
“Just so I can keep my wings out?”

“Yes, just so you can keep your wings out.” I smile at him, and he laughs.

I take my shirt and bra off, looking at myself sideways in the mirror. I’m already so big.

“Why are you worrying Rayne? You look gorgeous.”

“I’m pregnant and fat, and I can’t fit in my jeans anymore.” He laughs, “It’s not funny.”

“I’m sorry my love.” He wraps his arms around me, pressing his chest to my back. He gives me his best pouty face before he starts laughing again. I smack his arm, but can’t keep a straight face and start laughing myself.

We rid ourselves of our pants and he turns on the shower. His back is to me. The muscles rippling underneath. Ugh, damn hormones.

I walk up slowly and run my fingers along his back tracing the lines of his muscles.

“Mmmm, Rayne. That feels good.”

I run my fingers around his sides to his stomach and chest, doing the same. I press my lips to that sensitive spot on his back. He exhales quickly, “Rayne,” my name just a whisper.

He takes my hand and turns to face me. Helping me over the bath ledge into the shower, we step in. I put my hands on his shoulders and push him back against the wall.


Jinxx’s POV

I shiver at the feeling of the cold wall behind me. My body is on fire. I can sense the changes in her body almost the instant they happen. The connection between us grows stronger every day.

She kneels in front of me, I’m already hard. I was the instant she touched me. The sight of her is giving me chills, she is so beautiful. She takes me in her hand. I suck air through my teeth and close my eyes, leaning my head on the wall. If I don’t control my breathing, I’ll never last. I smile. That always seems to happen with her.

My smile was short lived, when she takes me into her mouth, I do everything I can to keep myself standing. My breath comes rushing out, “Holy fuck.” Her mouth is so hot, I didn’t think my body could heat up any more but it does.

Her lips are sliding up and down my length, her tongue is rolling around my head. I can’t take much more. My body starts to shake. The feeling is so intense. I don’t want her to stop. “God my love, just like that. I’m right there baby.”

She slows her movements. Keeping me on the edge, but not letting me fall. “Oh Rayne, my love, faster please.” Instead she stops, and runs her tongue right along the tip of me. My knees give out from under me and I fall to the floor of the shower. I turn her making her face away from me and pull her back against me. I spread her legs so she straddles me and I thrust up into her.

I bite into her shoulder making her scream, I grab her hips and help her bounce on me and project what she’s doing to me, “FUCK BABY!”

She leans back into me, grabbing my hair with one hand, pulling. Her other hand bracing herself against the wall, deep within her I sense her orgasm about to peak. I find my voice “Cum for me my love, scream my name.”


Her walls tighten around me, hard. I pull back the projection and thrust a few more times, reaching my own release. “FUCK!! YES RAYNE!”

I hold her close to me, rocking her as we come down from the high. The water was starting to turn cold, so I shut it off, grabbing a towel from the rack and wrapping it around her. I go to pull out of her, “No, not yet, I’m too sensitive, don’t move”

I laugh a little, “We can’t stay like this all night.”

“Uhmmm…ok. Count of 3! …1…2…3” I lift her off of my lap and she gasps and surprisingly laughs. “Ahhh...this pregnancy is doing some weird stuff to me!”


Rayne’s POV

We lay in bed, wrapped in his wings. “I swear Jinxx. You didn’t even need to project. It was like you were already doing it.”

“But I wasn’t, maybe I lost control of it, usually I know when I do. I’m going to have to ask Michael.”

“Could it be the bond we have? Maybe the connection between us really is growing stronger.”
“I can already tell it’s stronger. It grows stronger every day. I can sense the changes within your body almost before you do. We are both going to have to talk to Michael my love. He’s the only one that could answer these questions.”


“HEY!!!!” CC comes screaming into our room

“What the fuck CC?” I glare him down after nearly falling out of the bed from jumping so high, he laughs.

“Breakfast is ready!”


“You know CC, one day, she’s going to kill you! If I don’t get to you first!”

“Jinxx! You and Rayne, would have to catch me first!”

Jinxx has already cleared his wings from around me, and he bolts out of bed and through the door after CC, who caught onto his game and ran.

Ash walks in, “When the hell are you two gunna go easy on eachother.”

“When my hormones stop going whacko.”

“Yeah but you need to go easy before the baby is born.”

“Ha ha wise ass!” I sit up and Ash presses his hand to my back. “Thanks hun.”

“Anytime Rayne, c’mon breakfast is waiting, and I think Willow and Michael will be here today.”

“Uh oh”

“Yeah, Jinxx won’t be too happy about her poking around…literally. And we’re all going to sit down and explain how powerful you really are. I think you have a right to know. It might help against the demons on earth.”

“Anything to keep you guys saving the lives you are. Have you looked at your twitter accounts lately, or read any of your fan mail?”

“Some of the fan mail, there’s just so much. It’s all thank yous. Well, most of it. There are a few telling us how hot we are.” He laughs.

“You guys literally are some of these kids’ saviors.”

“I know, it’s scary, and humbling, and amazing all at once.”

Cast from Heaven, We are your Saviors (completed)Where stories live. Discover now