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AN: hey guys i wonder what Jake and Kai going to do today >.< hehehe well we will see soon.

Kai P.O.V

I was at my favorite restaurant and i was looking down, when I looked up I saw Edward  my ex that  cheated on me with a girl.  I didn't care when we droken up cause he was a dick he never even did anything but tease me and kiss me, I am not saying I hated it but i had feelings for him. So like ever teenager I wanted something sexually. Tell I meet Jake he stolen my heart at first seat then was the shock that Edward  cheated on me, I heat his guts, knowing I  was at the table I was lost in thoughts.  'Why am I here with this jerk, what s he going to do 'the thouts just kept coming tell he finally called my name and said thay he loved me.  I got up and slammed my fist on the table "you don't love me "I said as then he touched my fist and i lost control of my body. "Babe....i love you so much "he said and my body wouldn't listen to me.  Soon After Edward  took me to his car and he went to his house. We got to his house there was no one , only us two. I got scared Esward kissed me and my body was letting him my tears came out and he laid me on the couch and played with my nipples and started to moan and wanted someone to come in and save me. "J....Jake.."I  said as Edward  then slapped me and interred me dry. I cried as I felt the pain 'he had never touched me like this why now' i cried hard and then I heard an alarm go off "ring ring ring ". I got up finding myself in my room ."it felt so real..."I cried to himself as what had just happened was a dream.

~~At school~~

Jake P.O.V.

I walked into the school and a everyone looked at me , then my buddy David came up to me. "Dude every one saw you with that fagget at the party are you alright "he said as he put his arms around me. I looked at him"why you calling him a fagget ,plus all we did was talk and clean my shirt since he dropped deer on me "I told David as I walked faster.  Cause of David I dumped into a guy and I  landed on him.I got up as soon as I landed on him "oh I am sorry " he said as the guy got up and shock his head and walked off.  I thought for a minute and walked to class finding Kai talking to Keal and Jess as he was trembling, I thought he was only cold.

Kai P.O.V

I was talking to Keal and Jess about my dream .I was so scared it felt real, Keal and Jess hugged me as I trembled. "thanks girls.....your the best "I said as the techer got everyone attention and brought Edward in. I trembled and got up "Edward !!" I said and he smiled the teacher had sat me down and Edward sat next to Jake.  Jake looked at me and he smiled and I looked at away as Edward smirked at me "Keal... Jess....I'm not....good"he said as he remembered the dream and leaned on the desk . After class me and Keal and Jess went to lunch like always and Jake sat with us soon after Edward did and I feaked a smile "Edward......your back "I said as he was worried and Jess and Keal sat closer to me.

Edward P.O.V

God his body looks better then before I regret not fucking him instead that bitch that dumped me. As kai greet me I smirked and he smiled buy it was feak I can tell "hey I knkw my folks came back to town "how you been sweetie "kai eyes wided and let go of my hand when I  said sweetie. Jake looked at us and didn't know what was going on I guess he still doesn't know Kai is Gay , I smirk to myself and ate with everyone it was so quite .Soon Kai got up and he went to the bathroom i talked to Keal and Jess but they were still mad at me that I cheated on the lovely Kai. I mean keal tried killing me when she found out. The girl is strong i liked it. Kai came back we all went to different classes except Jess ,Keal and Kai they went to the same class.

~After school ~

Kai P.O.V

I didn't bump into Edward thank god Jess and Keal were with me as I took then to there house and I went to mine and ate soon Edward called and I didn't answer. I didn't want finsh my food thanks to him I went to my room and locked my self and slept.


Hai...guys omg what is going to happened next my poor Kai had a bad dream....x'c stay tune and see what going to happened  i am going to update tomorrow cuz this is way to small sorry guy

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