Gender reveal (Part 1)

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Wanda's PoV
6 1/2 months into the pregnancy
Ugh. I'm getting tired of being in this uncomfortable situation. It's no where near the end of this stupid pregnancy. Why can't the baby come out? I had an appointment at the doctors at 4pm and it was only 3:30pm. I had been up since 2am from morning sickness. I hated having to deal with sick. Bucky always helped me through the hard morning tho. I loved him so much.

3:45pm Bucky arrived him ready for the appointment. He got out of work for this special appointment. This was the appointment for the... Gender Reveal.

We arrived at the hospital and waited for the doctor to see us. I held Bucky's hand the whole time. The lovely lady placed gel on my stomach and told me everything was okay.

"So do you want to know the gender of the baby," the nurse asked still hovering the scanner over my stomach.

"Yes we do," Bucky answered smiling at me.

"It's a..."
To be continued

Sorry to leave you on a cliff hanger again. Hope yo guys enjoyed next chapter will be posted later today. Sorry for not posting quickly. Comment your ideas for a shout out. Byeeeeee xxxxxxxxxxxx

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