Chapter 2 : When Robin Met Nightingale

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A nearly old man with streaks of brown highlights and a fainted scar across his nose sat brooding at his desk. He was typing information on the large screened computer and analyzing data onto a sheet. Behind him appeared the girl with a serious expression on her face. He smiled evily as he spun around to see her.

" Ah Nightingale it is you , where have you been ? " the doctor frowned happily as he was happy to see his favourite patient. The girl frowned serious as she was about to answer his question. " I've encounter with some newcomers that have entered into the town , I presume they are  .." before she could speak , the doctor laughed playing his goatee beard. " Yes , the Teen Titans " he went back on his seat and showed on the screen every single member of the Titans. Beast Boy , Cyborg , Raven , Starfire and then came the boy she encounter , Robin. She pointed with her finger to the newcomer that she encountered. " That was him " she said. " His name is Robin and he is the leader of the Teen Titans and former apprentice to Slade " she looked away knowing what she had down but she had no choice. " You're the perfect match for him as you're a leader as well " her face became angry red. " Don't mention it " she bitterly responded to his comment. " Fire Wonder , The Shapeshifter , Sabretooth and Ghost Boy come out " he clicked his finger and they came forward of the outer shadow that surrounded them except for the green lights that lite up the room. Fire Wonder was the first one to come out with a red stunning short dress that sparkled in the darkness and dazzling Afro hair. Secondly , The Shapeshifter was a normal man with a baseball jacket and a cheery smile on his face but if the moon is out at night time he will turn into a massive werewolf. Sabretooth was the biggest of all of them from the large empowering teeth to the muscly body he had , he was able to lift 4 cars at once. Finally , a young boy appeared out of nowhere had the most grayish eyes you have even seen , Ghost Boy. He flicked his brown hair up at the side and stuck his nose up in the air as he glided towards to Nightingale. They all gathered around the Doctor in a perfect shape until when Sabretooth joined in , he had to take up the space.

" Furious 5 " The Doctor smiled evily " We must stop these outsiders from entering into the Severnaya Zemlya lands. I want you all to capture them and use them for exprienments " he started to laugh really crazy causing him to cough halfway. " Now go you have a job to do " without nodding they disappeared into the darkness.


 " What happened to you ?! " Cyborg shouted in Robin's face as he arrived to meet the Teen Titans outside the marketplace. " I think I've encountered the members of the Furious 5 " he looked through his pockets , found and held up a photo of Nightingale. " Is that Nightingale ? " Beast Boy asked as he pointed at the photo. " Yes this is Nightingale. She has singing powers that can control people and to attack to " Robin put the photo back in his pocket and announced the following first part of their mission. " All we need to do is to track her down and bring her and the rest of Furious 5 back " he fisted his other palm knowing that the mission was going to be successful and hopely bring them back to the US. " Raven you look around the market , Cyborg and Starfire you will look around the lake and Beast Boy you will look around the woods nearby " Everyone of them nodded at the same time. " Titans go ! " Robin commanded as the Titans went in different directions and went to find the girl. 


While wandering around the streets late at night , Nightingale looked in every street there could be possibly be and the whole area. Couldn't find them , she gave up looking for the Teen Titans and slowed down from running as she decided to walk. When turning around the block without looking what's in front of her , she bumps into a green , yellow and red colors belonging to the boy she'd encounter before. Shocked , she got up quick and defended her herself with her fists. " What do you want ? " She questioned him in a aggressive way. Robin's hands reached for the fists and blocked them. " I want to help you " he was putting a sweat on as he kept pushing aside Nightingale. Suddenly , her mind became all clear but a electric wave electrocuted her causing her body to zapped out. Robin moved back and she fell on the floor unconscious banging her head half way. " What the hell was that !? " Robin thought to himself and decided to help the girl on the floor. He gave her his hand and lift her up off the ground. Watching as she cleared the dust off her shoulders and almost speaking to herself. " I've gotta find Ghost Boy and the others " suddenly her mood and personaity changed at the same time by the electric wave and she started to run off but Robin reached for her hand.

" Where do you think you're going ? " he asked as he dragged her hand to the same distance as him. Giving him a funny look , she looked up and down recongizing the green , red and yellow within her indigo eyes. " You're Robin ! " Her eyes widened. He nodded " You must give me the remaining food to me now " he gave out his hand out. The teenager was confused wondering why he demanding such bread she stolen from mid afternoon , she couldn't remember anything what happened earlier on. She empted her pocket and no food was in them only crumbles flying out. " Look , I'm sorry from before , I was just doing my.." she was about to speak until a ghostly figure appeared out of nowhere. It was Ghost Boy and he was angry by the fact that Nightingale is talking to a ' enemy ' that may cause a threat. " What do you think you're doing ? " he questioned her angry and grabbed her Furious 5 uniform. " I don't these are a threat to this town , Ghost Boy maybe we could be friends and stop listining to Ivan just for once ! ". " You better let her go ! " Robin protested against the Furious 5 member making him burst out laughing.

" Or else what are you gonna do ? " he smirked dropping Nightingale into the lump of snow and clicked his fingers. All of a sudden , a large group appeared in front of Robin and Nightingale surronding them almost. Firewonder created a large ball of fire in her hand and aimed it at the Boy Wonder while Sabretooth got his massive claws out and The Shapeshifter transformed into a human to a huge werewolf that would make people a freakout a bit. An ambush awaited them ready to take on the teenagers but a sparkling green beam hit the afro's shoulder and sent her flying to the nearest wall. Struggling to get up , she looked up to the sky was a girl with dark , red hair and emerald eyes with a glowing green beam in her hands. It was Starfire and she arrived with Cyborg , a husky Beast Boy and Raven , who were ready to attack the Furious 5 and protect Robin without further case. 

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