Chapter 3 - This Ain't No Snowball Fight

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Starfire , Cyborg , Beast Boy and Raven stood beside Robin and Nightingale as the Furious 5 launched themselves to attack the Teen Titans. " Titans go ! " Robin shouted and the Teen Titans went to each target nearest to them. Ghost Boy , who was invisible to see went straight for Nightingale , who wasn't looking but Robin threw a batrang which cut the teenager's cheek. Not invisible and able to see him , he wiped the bloody cheek angry and tried to launch a punch but was blocked by the green gloves of Robin. Instantly , Ghost Boy transiency went pass him and behind him and kicked Robin at the side of the hip. Clutching at his hip , he tried to fight back to was pinned down by the ghost and was ready to be punched even more but a beautiful , melody singing was heard in the background controlled Ghost Boy and without controlling his own fist it moved away from Robin's face and twisted the other way causing him to scream. " Nightingale ! " Ghost Boy turned around and faced Nightingale. Nightingale's powers was singing while controlling the enemy and thinking what to do with them. She sang her notes like a real Nightingale but she can't control a soul mate close to her. Starfire glided above Fire Wonder as she hits her with glowing beams. Straight at her , she blocks them with balls of fire she created in each hands. 

" Pretty strong beams your hitting me wit , now can you do this ! " she made a whip out of fire and started to attack the alien. Whipping each time , Starfire dodged every move she made and by the time she back was against the wall , she created another massive , glowing beam and shot Fire Wonder. Cyborg was dodging a amount of broken and new cars thrown by Sabretooth ,who hated the robotic man with his guts. Cyborg then shoots the beast with his energy cannon. The pressuring force ball of blue energy made Sabretooth bounce back and went flying into the trash heap. " That stupid metallic thing " he was stuck and he couldn't get out. Cyborg started to laugh and watched the husky form of Beast Boy attacking the werewolf with his bare fangs. 

" Azarath Metrion Zinthos ! " Raven called out her spell as dark , shadowly glow wandered around The Shapeshifter and lift him up in the sky. Growling , she instantly drops onto the ground really fast and she could heard a couple of bones crack in process. 

" Retreat ! " Knowing they were gonna be defeated by minutes , Ghost Boy had enough and he had to train to reach to the same level as Robin. Inside he was sadden of what Nightingale had done to her fellow teammates but on the outside he was angry redder than anything. " But Ghost Boy - " Sabretooth tried to argue but he was simply cut off by the shouting words that echoed in his ears. " I said RETREAT NOW ! " The rest of the Furious 5 followed Ghost Boy , who was rejected by betrayed by Nightingale. " This isn't over , Titans ! " He shouted over as he turned his back and watched the Teen Titans faces. He then disappeared along with the Furious 5 into the cold atmosphere. Robin sighed in relief that they were gone for awhile and went over to Nightingale , who was out of breath after singing such a high note at a high level. "  Are you alright , Nightingale ! " he asked and she nodded in silence. " Wow you have a wonderley wonderous voice , Nightingale " Starfire jumped up and down as she liked Nightingale's talents. " Are you okay - " Before he could speak more words , a blizzard starts to develop turning the dark , midnight into a grayish color. " I think we should find somewere to stay " Cyborg peered around the town with his eyes but there were no buliding to be seen. A communator went off making a bleep-bleep noise from Nightingale's pocket. She reached for the pocket and took out the digital communicator to display. She opened it up and the digital dialogues read ' Ghost Boy '. 

" It's getting cold " Beast Boy shivered as he transformed into a Penguin and huddled against Raven , who was annoyed enough to put up with Beast Boy. Starfire flew up to search for a place but within seconds of flying up in air , strong winds pushed her back forcing her down to the ground. " I better use this touch " Cyborg's arm started to light up and the light enlighten the snow almost seeing buildings. " We better go and find somewhere to stay" as Robin turned around he saw that Nightingale had disappeared in the snow. " Nightingale ! " he shouted but no sound came back. " Titans find somewhere to stay ! " he commanded to the Titans and started to run. " But what are you doing ? " Cyborg asked worriely. " Finding Nightingale " he shouted from behind and ran off fast. Rest of the Titans huddled against Cyborg from behind and follow him into the blizzard darkness. 


" How dare you go against Ghost Boy ?!? " Dr Overov screamed in Nightingale's face while everyone watched. " But the Ti-" her words were cut off by the mad doctor again. " Enough these Teen Titans are nothing but trouble!! " he slammed his fist on the table and gave a dirty look to the young girl. " Do you realise how much trouble you have caused tonight !?! " Nightingale hollowed against the shadows so he couldn't see her. " Get out of my sight ! " Dr Overov's temper was enough to send Nightingale out of the lab. She closed the door behind her and started to walk up the stairs to her room where she felt safer. After Nightingale was out of the room , Dr Overoz got off his chair and walked towards to Ghost Boy. " Keep a eye on her " without saying yes or no , the teenage boy nodded.

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