Chapter 5: Catch Me

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 Jasmine's POV

  The crowd is only getting larger as we make our way through the streets to the taxi. I am terrified of getting lost. Mom's manager has texted her telling her to wait at this street corner for the taxi that is supposed to come pick us up. Mom looks at me, taking her Sharpie out of her pocket, autograph time. She will sign autographs until the crowd fades or a taxi comes. I stand beside her watching all the young fans cry, laugh, scream, or a mixture of all three, as soon as they see her; it's always kind of fun to watch. But, as the crowd pushes forward and less people separate me from the world, I feel a hand grab the back of my arm and yank me out of the crowd. A blindfold is placed over my eyes and I can feel myself get dragged along the street and shoved into a vehicle of some kind. The door is slammed and I can feel myself moving as the car drives down the street, leaving my mom behind.

   I sit in the back of the car hoping that my mom has noticed me disappear, or if not my mom, a fan. I am scared and have no idea why anyone would want to kidnap me. What use was an 11 year old daughter of a popstar to them? Why did they take me? This could be a life or death situation here, and I am freaking out. I don't move in case they're watching, it's almost as if I can feel their eyes on me, watching, waiting...

   My heart races as I think of the possibilities approaching in my near future. The palms of my hands are coated in sweat and tears are slowly dripping from my eyes. A panic attack, great, just great, I need less panic and more ideas for escaping. Please don't notice, please.

   "Hey! What's going on back there?" I hear a deep man's voice ask.

   "No idea," another replies, "Maybe she misses her mommy."

   "Who cares anyway. Only the paps will when we're done with her..."

   A piece of cloth is placed over my mouth and I slowly notice the sounds getting fuzzy before everything just fades completely away...

Demi's POV

   I am busy signing fan's autographs when a fan asks me, "Hey, where's your daughter? I thought she was with you."

   I look around and notice that Jasmine isn't anywhere to be seen. This is New York. If she's lost, she's terrified, but the chance is, she's been kidnapped, under my watch. I grab my cell phone immediately to call 911, "Please be okay, please be okay, please..." I hope as the police sirens sound in the background and I fade into misery... 

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