Chapter 11

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***Part 11***FANFIC-Niall #imagine- "I'll Always Be In Your Memories"


I could have sworn no one would have saw us... We had shades and beanies on... I wasnt even wearing a polo. Luckily you can't see our faces too well, but who ever took those pictures must have saw everything and if they spread it to the public...Its not me I'm worried about... Its Karter... And Emerson. They are the nicest girls I kniw and they don't deserve hate or being mobbed. I already hate it enough, the other day liam and i were walking around tour and some crazy fans came up screaming and ripped off Liam's shirt. That was his favorite shirt! In all do respect, some people have no respect. I get it if they want an autograph but the shirt and mobbing us is just cruelty... I hate tight spaces and crouds. The only reason I would ever go near one is if Karter was stuck in one. Sometimes you have to protect the onea you love most.


Emerson: well lets put it this way we either make it to New York and get mobbed and possibly slapped in the face by a homeless person or as you can ses in the picture... You can barely tell its us, yet alone the guys so we will be fine hahaha

Haha Emerson always had a good sence of humor to cheer me up. She made a valid point though.

Karter: go with the flow!

I said while laughing and moving my arm like a wave. She started leaving going across the hall back to her appartment.

Emerson: Ha! Your weird

Karter: hahaha what?!... Hey surprise number 2 tomorrow!

Emerson: whatever it is girl just 'go with the flow'

She was trying to mimic me as she disappeared into her room.

I looked back at the computer screen... My name wasnt anywhere... Neither was Emersons.... People weren't completely sure if it was Harry and Niall... Eh! I'll sleep well tonight... I'm leaving the UK tomorrow anyways... Surprise #2.... Just thinking of surprise #2.


We arrived at the airport. It was 8am and we were on our way to the USA!!! Wooot! So excited. As we trudges through the airport, i was talking to Niall on the phone.

Karter: i know i'm gonna miss you so much Niall! I'm about to cry..

Niall: dont cry... Come on i'll take you to Nandos when we get back

I could hear Harry in the background. He Talked in a rather sarcastic voice.

Harry: wow niall! Arent you the charmer.... The romantic chap!

I just laughed hahaa it was true... Nandos isn't really a dream date for me but as long as i was with Niall i was ok with it.

Emerson: ask them what the second surprise was?!!!


Niall cut me off with a soft quiet slow voice.

Niall: Look up..

I looked up and my eyes widened... I was frozen as i covered my mouth with my hand. Emerson sprinted towards Harry and hugged him.

Niall: well??

I walked over to him... I was so lost... Why are they at the airport? Niall and Harry started explaining to us in an American acsent?!

Harry: we are emm coming with you guys to emm New York because we are going to perform on the Today show on Tueday

Niall: so we are coming early to hang with you guys... Just using our time wisely... We only have 3 days to spend with you guys before we go on the today show

My life just got that much better. I want someone that comes into my life on accident and stays on purpose... Niall was that person;)

Emerson: hahahaha yes!! But why are you talking in American acsents??

Niall: because it helps our disguise... You saw the pictures right...

Emerson: OH YEAH RIGHT... ok

Niall: Yeah and we dont want that happening again

Harry: how was our acsents?

Emerson and i looked at each other laughing.

Karter: have you heard Emerson's acsent?

Harry: uh yeah!

Karter: do you think you sound like that?

Niall: YEA-no...

Harry: i thought i did pretty good

Emerson just stood there laughing As i shrugged my shouldiers.

Karter: emm... Hahahahaha!

Niall: no see I'm doing a Boston acsent

Emerson: HAHAHAHA no no its pretty good?... Hahahaha

I looked down at my watch 9am... My jaw dropped as i grabbed my stuff.


We all ran to the gate... We were the last ones on.

Harry: is this trip going to be like 'home alone'?

Emerson: hahaha! No Harry we wont forget you hahaha!

Harry: promise

He said jokely as he kissed her nose. She giggled and answered "promise" as she leaned back in to kiss him. Right as their lips touched Niall popped out of the seat and yelled


I slapped Niall playfully on the arm and pulled hin back down to the seat.

Karter: NIALL shut up!!!

Harry: just saying because home alone is Lou's favorite New York movie.

We just laughed and for the rest of the plane ride Niall and I took random and funny videos and pictures on his ipad while Niall practically ate out all the food supplies in the plane. As for Harry and Emerson... Well he made her watch his favorite movie 'Love Actually' over and over again... He said it was a good movie to get a girl to fall in love with you with... Clearly he was blind she already was in love with him. After a while i could tell Emerson got board of it because she fell asleep with her head rested on Harry's shouldier. I dont blame her it was a Christmas movie anyways... And it wasnt even Christmas... It wasnt even near Christmas.. O harry.. Sometimes i feel like your a little lost...

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