Chapter sixteen

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December 25th 2011

Sunday 7:02 am

Merry Christmas Darren!


You too Immie! :D


What are you doing for the day? :)


Seeing some family this morning, then later on meeting up with some of my close friends for some Christmassy fun, what about you?


Spending the day with my mum and Mia


I’m excited to open your presents ;)


And I’m excited to open yours! Although you didn’t have to get me any since you got me a lot of coffee :P


Never question gifts


Yes mother



Mia got my cat a christmas hat

*image Transfer*


Awww! You have a cat?


Her name’s Tamsin :)


Cutie :)

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Merry Christmas Joey :)


You too Mia :D Have a magical day!!


Thanks! Hope you like your present :)


I bet I will, you better like yours


I obviously will :)

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(8:04 pm)

Incoming call


“Merry Christmas my little Imogen!!”

“Merry Christmas Darren!”

“How has your day been? Did I make this the best Christmas ever?”

“Have you been drinking?”

“Only a little bit.”

“Oh dear, yes, by far the best Christmas ever.”

“You’re just saying that.”

“Are you blushing?”

“Oh of course I am!”


“I want to sing something for you!”

“Sing away.”

(Song at the side, ignore the introduction where he says his name, just listen to the singing bit hehe)

“I seriously recognise your voice.”

“I just have one of those voices I guess.”

“Obviously. That was really great though.”

“Thank you. Are you going to sing me anything?”

“Haha, very funny.”

“I bet you’re a great singer.”

“I’m really not, trust me!”

“I don’t believe you.”

“You’ll never find out I’m afraid.”

“Sad face.”

“Thanks for explaining your facial expression to me.”

“Any time at all my dear.”

“Haha, what else are you doing tonight?”

“Well I’m with my friends, Joey says hi and merry Christmas by the way, and he’s waving frantically, and we’re just gonna watch old Christmas movies together with a few drinks.”

“Awww, I’m so jealous.”

“Why, what are you doing?”

“Mia has gone home to Skype with her family back home, my mums having her Christmas bath before we snuggle together to watch the Grinch.”

“I love that movie!”

“Me too! We’ve watched it every Christmas ever since I can remember!”

“Awesome childhood.”

“Only the best.”

“So what are you doing tomorrow?”

“Sleeping most of the day I presume.”

“Same for me!”

“It’s the best way to spend boxing day, right?”

“It should be called lazy day.”




“Matt just threw a turkey leg at me…”

“Aren’t you supposed to eat that?”

“Apparently it’s for throwing… Oh, and he says he isn’t happy with you.”

“What? Why? What did I do, I don’t even know him?!”

“Chill, it’s because you called him a directorsaurus.”

“YOU called him that.”

“You gave me the idea.”

“Partners in crime.”


“Oh god, what weirdo’s do I know?”

“The best kinds.”

“My mummy’s back!”

“I’ll let you go then so you can Grinch it up.”

“Alright, text me later, okay?”

“Okidoki! Bye.”

“Bye Bye!”

End Call

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Only a short chapter for the christmas one I'm afraid, but now that its over I can move on with the story, going into the next year, well this year technically... 2012!!! :) 

The next chapter should be up either saturday night or sunday night, I work more hours now so it's a bit hectic! 

Enjoy <3

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