chapter 3- happy

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About 1 houer ago
Me, dream, and blue were discussing, and came to the solution that this was my mission...and hard can it be?

Now (ink's pov)
"I'M DEAD I'M DEAD I'M DEAD I'M DEAD!!!" I was running in the snow, fleeing from this dark shadowy figure. My only problem with this place was just all the white snow confuses me. I can't see what is up hill, down hill...or what is simply just straight forword! I as me didn't notice it, but I suddenly felt myself falling. "W-wait, what! Oh no oh no no no no no! I have low hp!" I landed on the ground hearing a huge crack sound before passing out.

~~~Time skip~~~

I wasen't awake, but...not asleep or uncontious either. I saw something dark in the distance. My vision was super blurred. I closed my eyes again, only to open them, and find the figure right in front of me, picking me up. I closed my eyes once again. My vision was too blurred, and I coulden't move or think straight. The person who picked me up's body was warm, and held around me like some sort of blanket. More i didn't see before drifting out of consciousness.

~~~Long time skip~~~

I woke up in a bed, and noticed someone coming in to the room. I tried to sit up. "Ngh, Ah!" It hurt a lot, and I got pushed back down emidietly. "Woah there, no need to hurry, just relax." It was nightmare, who now had sat down on a chair beside the bed. He helped me a bit up, and I was leaning a bit on him. I dragged the blanket I know where the crack sound came from. I looked at the bandages around my foot, and knee..."ohh, and dream is gonna kill me if they see this." Nightmare looked at me for a second before just replying "then stay here till it's recoverd." I didn't know what really to do. "I-I...I don't...know..." I was shaking, and was freezing...but I'm the same time it was just so warm. I was dizzy, and my head was hurting. I tried hiding it, but he noticed. "Is anything wrong?" He asked. I shook my head a bit. He laid a hand on my forehead like dream did, but this time I was way way warmer. He laid me gently down, and kissed my cheek. Then laid the carpet over me. He looked at me and said "I'll be...right back," and left the room.

~~~Time skip~~~

Nightmare came back in to the room, and sat me up since my back hurts way too mutch to that I could get up myself. He had a bowl of soup, and a spoon. He lifted the spoon with some soup on over to me. "Say ahh" I was about to take the spoon, but he pulled it away. "It's my leg not my arms that are broken" I said 'in case he forgot'. He just nodded "yes I know. Now say ahh." I sighed lightly. "Ahh" I said, and he fed me the soup.

~~~Short time skip~~~

I would admit...I was growing a bit tired. I yawned a bit, and looked out at the moon slowly rising over the tree's. Nightmare closed the book id was writing in, and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Aww tired alrady~." He asked. I nodded a bit running my eyes. He got off his jacket, and laid down beside me. I was still slightly shaking, and freezing a bit. He dragged me in to him, and wrpped his arms, and tenticals around me. I blushed a bit, and held on to him. It was hard to fall asleep with the small headache, but I drifted in to it after some time.

~~~in a nightmare~~~

I was running from...'him' again trying to yell out my message even if I knew it woulden't help. "S-stop! I-I'm sorry!" What happens if he caught me. What can he do to me...what will he do. My heart was beating all out of my chest. I suddenly looked back stupidly, and tripped in over a tree root. I turned as I fell, and landed on my back, as 'he' jumped on me, raising his clawed hand. I looked in horror as the claws smashed down, and painfully tore me apart.

~~~Waking up~~~

I sat up in a hurry, breathing hevily from both the scare, and pain I had in my back after forcing my body to sit up. I was shaking all over, and not beacause i was sick, that was almost over. I felt nightmare hug me from behind, and laying the one of his hands on my fast beating heart. I laid one of mine on his, and merged fingers. He seemed a bit worried, and kissed my cheek. "A nightmare...I'm Sorry." I knew he didn't control who get them...some people are hard to reatch to, and change their 'dream plans'...and it's none of us who decided what we get either. He pulled me even closer, comeforeting me a bit tighter. I sat in his lap as he held around me. I still kept seeing the memory of the nightmare, and a tear ran down my face. "Shh...calm down... it's ok." He wisperd to me. He laid down on his back, dragging me down on his chest, rubbing my back gently. I calmed down, and after a bit of time fell asleep again.

~~~Time skip~~~

I woke up to the sound of the birds chirping, and the sun shining in on me through the window. I slightly whimperd when i felt it was really cold, like the warm embrace was just gone. I snuggled up to nightmare, but...suddenly fell, and landed on the floor. Nightmare was not in the room. I waited for a few minutes, until he finally came. He noticed me on the floor, and quickly sat everything on the desk beside the bed. He ran to pick me up, and held me in his arms. I blushed, and heard him sigh before asking "what in the world were you doing on the floor? You have to be carefull with the bandage! You could get more hurt!" I was unsure of what to reply, and stumbled over my words. "I-i...uhh I...i.." He laid me back on the bed, and kissed me. I kissed back, and he got the breakfast he had made, and fed it to me. I am not...gonna let him know what the hell happened since i fell. We cuddled a bit after he had placed the empty plates on the desk beside the bed.
Words: 1140 cya next!

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