You said "I do not know Him"
But right then was the opportunity to see Him.
He talked to you with sounds and pictures
He talked to you through the voice of many preachers.
But still you turned your heart away and grieved Him
He was grieved because he loves you and he did suffer heart aches for you, He is Love
He became like you years and ages ago and died on that wooden cross
To save you from a fate that is far worse.
He can take your loneliness away, He is more than enough a friend.
He can give you a family that loves you, and friends that care, trust me He is worth it to the end.
He is not far away he where you are right now waiting for you to talk to Him
He is loving you always, why can't you like Him.
He is a King who loves to hangout with you
He is full of pure love, just talk to him you would see that He is true.
In any position you are you can talk to him, eyes closed or open it doesn't matter
Tell him how you feel, tell him you are sorry, you are sorry because we are all sinners.
Tell him to forgive you your sins even though He doesn't hold anything against you
Ask for His Spirit to fill you and take hold of you so that you can be able to Listen to Him. Cause he would always listen to you.
Ask that He reveals Himself to you and he will
Don't just try this, do it cause He is real.
His name is Jesus, and His love is more real than the Love you know..
Speak to Him now because He is crazy about you and wants to meet you right where you are.He is God