As I lay back on a cloud drifting off to sleep, I heard a crack.
Not like any other crack, but something.. Different. I drifted off the cloud I was resting on and flew near the main river of the city. A glimmer of light passed my eyes, I looked in the water to see a figure.It was somewhat.. Familier "What are you DOING?" The figure exclaimed, her head out of the river now. I saw that it was Water, the Second element. "Im sorry I was just-" I tried to say. "NO! There is NO 'Im sorry I just wanted to see what was happening'! Someone could have seen you!" Water interupted "Get down!" she pulled me into the water below and put a finger to her lips motioning to be quiet. "But wh-" I said, seeing the expression in her eyes. "Fine." I whispered, bubbles escaping my mouth. A few minutes passed and she pulled me up and over to the man made edge of the river. "Go over there and change" Water demanded, as she softly pushed me near a tree, I hid behing its thick leaves and started transforming.
My dress changed into jeans and a T-shirt and my hair lost its golden glow, my silver skin turned into a everyday white and as the transforming stoped, I looked over to where Water once was and saw a tanned girl with brown hair, mini shorts and tank top. "Iv'e never seen your human form before Water." I exclaimed taking a step near her. "Shh.. Don't call me that" she replied. "But why? Isn't that your true name? I asked puzzled. "It is but.. We might lose our cover.. We don't want anyone to know remember?" She said while taking my hand and walking over to the main road, dragging me along. "What shall I call you then?" I asked even MORE puzzled now. She thought for a moment then finally said "Rue, It was the name of a old friend.." Rue.. I thought to myself.. where have I heard that before.. But my thought were interupted as 'Rue' asked me "You need to come up with a name for yourself.. I can't just call you Air all the time" I thought for a second and remembered the first time I walked on earth among the humans.. "Fusia" (FU-sha) She nodded at me in agreement. "Well we need a place to stay" she paused for a moment or two. "Well lets get going then!"

The 4 Elements
FantasyThe four elements Earth, Water, Fire and Air are put on earth after a mighty battle involving the "Darkness" See how they cope with this "new" life and how they face danger when one of their old enemy's are back..