Chapter 7

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•The Coming of Varia, The Announcement of the Ring Conflict•

Dark place in the middle of the street, a child was running as the group of dark people were chasing over. The child kept running then went to the dark alley and continue to run straight, turn to right without even looking then bump to someone, making him fall down the ground. The child looked up and saw a teenager, wearing white and orange shirt and pants, brown hair and his eyes seems... lifeless.

The teenager took him and hugged him, like he’s trying to cover him with protection. The child was too surprise, he tried to push himself out but the teenager was too strong for him.

Suddenly, the group who were chasing the child finally arrived and pointed their guns to the teenager. The child was afraid as he began to tremble. The teenager hugged him even more, assuring him that he will protect him, much as the child’s disbelief.

“Young man hand over that child to us.” The man spoke as he pointed his gun to the brunette. The teenager continue to stare, much as the man’s irritation. He was about to fire his gun when suddenly, his companions were immediately been wipe out. It was too quick that he only realized he’s the only one standing. “W-who are you p-people?” The man asked on the small group surrounding him.

They were three teenagers, someone on the center who was smoking, on the right the person was laughing as he hold a baseball bat and on the left who grin as he clench his fist, ready for more.

“Boss orders,” A girl suddenly voice was heard. The only man standing turn back to the teenager and a child, behind them a girl appeared with an eye patch to her right eye. “Rescue Fuuta De La Stella and bring down the once you after him.” She said with serious tone.

The one who was smoking took his cigarette from his mouth and throw it away. He gave a sigh then smiled, “Juudaime’s order, shall be done.”

Soon enough, the man who was only standing fell down in great injuries. The three went to the brunette. The child who was Fuuta finally saw the other three’s appearance.

The one who was holding the baseball bat spoke, “Are you alright Fuuta?”

“Eh? Y-yes I’m alright.” Fuuta said. The brunette let him go and kneel down. He's checking him whenever he was truly okay. Seeing he is, pat his head much as Fuuta’s question.

The girl went beside him and touched his forehead for a moment. She turned back to him and smiled, “Do you want to come with us Fuuta-kun? Bossu is asking that in this moment.”

“Bossu?” Fuuta questioned. The one who grin before spoke, “The person who protected you in EXTREME Fuuta.”

Fuuta was still confused but turn to the brunette who kept staring at him. He realized the person she’s talking about was him. He’s the boss? But he seems so... lifeless.

Chrome who can somehow guess what he was thinking spoke, “Bossu’s name is Sawada Tsunayoshi. I’m Chrome Dokuro, those three are Gokudera Hayato, Yamamoto Takeshi and Sasagawa Ryohei. We’re your friends so there’s nothing to worry.”

Fuuta observed each one of them. Seeing no threat or decisiveness made him calm and nod. He smiled, “T-thank you for saving me.”

Everyone except Tsuna who only feel from within smiled for him.

Morning when Tsuna brought Fuuta to his house. Fuuta found it amazing, since he can’t believe this person was offering him a home that no one ever done to him before. Fuuta kept staring the house when suddenly the door opened, revealing a child wearing a cow like design. The child smiled and greeted them.

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