Namimori Legendary School Festival...by lazyREAS
Tsuna's school is having their annual school festival. And his peaceful day is interrupt by the arrival of the mafiosos.
Soulles Skyby Scarlet Zanne
Sawada Tsunayoshi is not known as 'Dame Tsuna' like usually known but 'Soulless Tsuna' or 'Speechless Tsuna'. He acts different more than anyone, never talk, never show...
Bloodlustby Bianca Garcia
A man by the name of Alphie Cyst has been hiding a dark side of him that no one has ever seen. He has always pushed that bad side of him away and let his "nicer sid...
Revenge on Frost - Rise of the Gua...by httydCrAZyfan13
Pitch is back with one thing on his mind: Revenge. And his anger will be taken out on a certain Frost who had ruined everything for him. He knows hurting Jack will hurt...