Real Ones Only

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Jeffery POV 🌑

I came back downstairs into the kitchen and spotted Dame chillin' on the couch, watching ATL.

"Aye you thirsty? You want something to drink?" I asked him as I opened the fridge.

"Yeah, water please." He said.

I grabbed a water bottle from the fridge, grabbed two glass cups and put ice into them. I proceeded to pour water into both of the cups then disposed the empty bottle and made my way over to him.

"Thank you" He said as I handed him his glass.

"No problem...." I said as I sat down next to him.

He took a sip of his water then told me "This house is really nice though, Jeffery. It suits you, to be honest."

I smiled a little. "Oh really? What do you mean by that?" I said before drinking some of my water.

"It's just really well put together, all organized and stuff. Like you, from what I've seen and know so far."

"Well thank you very much for the compliments." I told him, with a smirk.

He put his glass down on top of a coaster and told me "So tell me something I don't know about you...."

I chuckled. "I think you know all of the basic stuff already."

"Not all of it. I don't know how old you are...."

Impressed with how interested in me he seems to be, I told him "I'm just turned 22, two months ago."

I can tell he quickly thought about something regarding my age because his face said it all.

"Oh that's fine-" he said.

"Fine for what?" I asked, trying to see if I just caught him slipping.

"I meant to say that's cool." He said, trying to save himself.

"Ok since we're playing let's get to know each other, tell me something about you. How long have you been playing basketball?" I asked him.

"Since I was little, I don't remember the exact age. It's funny because my Dad kind of pressured me into playing basketball or any kind of sport."


He shrugged a shoulder and said "He always wanted a sports player as a child of his since he was never allowed to play and always wanted to. Ever since my older brother passed he's been very hard on me, so I just went along with it because I didn't want to disappoint him."

"What happened to your brother?"

He took a moment before saying "He was killed by his close friend over dumb shit."

"Dumb shit?"

"Drugs and money. It was mainly over money though...."

"So what do you really want to become in life?"

"Honestly, I really don't know. I've been so focused on basketball and what he wants, that I haven't even thought of what I really want to do for myself."

"On the real, you should really start doing that. It's important for you and you should've have to live for someone else. This is your life...." I gave him some words of wisdom.

"I hear you." He told me before saying "Alright, it's your turn again."

I chuckled then thought about what to tell him. I ended up telling him "I have a son...."

His facial expression was a mixture between shocked and confused. "You do?" He asked, clearly being caught off guard.

I chuckled. "Yeah, his name is Carter and he's one."

"Wow...." He said, still not being able to find a complete sentence to say.

"Is that a problem?" I asked, with a chuckle.

"No, not at all. Why would it be?"

"Just asking...." I said, glad to know me having a child doesn't change how he feels about me.

We spent the next few hours getting to know each other better and I can definitely see Dame as someone who I can call mine one day.

But that girlfriend of his is a major obstacle.

Dame POV ⛅️

The sunlight had absolutely no problem with waking me up from my good ass sleep.

I groaned a little as I leaned up from the couch. Once my eyes were fully opened, I realized that I'm still at Jeffery's house.

Wait, I wasn't supposed to spend the night here! Lord, what time is it? I grabbed my phone and looked at lock screen.

Damn, it's 11:00am! I'm supposed to be at Daya's house helping decorate the place for her party tonight!

I looked over and noticed Jeffery sleeping, so I shook him out of his sleep. "Jeffery, get up! It's 11!"

"W-what, are you serious!?" He said as he got up.

"Yes! Don't you have somewhere to be in an hour?"

I looked at my phone screen again and noticed I had 6 missed calls from Nate and Daya's cousin. I sent Nate a text letting him know that I'll be there soon.

"Damn, I still need to shower before I go over there. Ugh, I don't think I'm gonna be at Daya's house in time."

"Just take a shower here, I don't mind. You just gotta make it a little quick cause I have to get in too." Jeffery told me.

"No Jeffery, it's bad enough I spent the night-"

"The towels and rags are in the closet as soon as you get into the bathroom." He informed me, interrupting my sentence. "You got clean clothes in your basketball bag right?"


He tossed me his car keys then I proceeded to get my bag from his car and made my way into the shower.

Nate POV ☀️

"Damn Dame, where were you?" I asked as he finally walked in the house. 

"Sorry I'm late guys." He told everyone.

"Bro Mr. Coleman was so drunk when we got here, they had to take him somewhere else in the meantime.

"I guess he won't be at the party...." he said as he started blowing up ballons.

"Hell nah he won't. I'm glad to because I'm not tryna have him ruin this party."

"True. This party is about to be fun as hell!" He said with a chuckle.

"Facts. No drama or scandals, just us having a good time."


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