These updates will come slower than Noticing Him, as that book or story or whatever the hell it is, is my priority. And also I just sort of like it better and have more prewritten. These updates will probably be like once a day or once every two days, depending on how WattPad is working. (It hasn't been letting me update recently idk). Noticing Him will still be twice a day or maybe even three times. BOTH BOOKS HAVE MOST CHAPTERS ALREADY PREWRITEEN. I JUST HAVE TO UPLOAD THEM. IF UPDATES STOP, IT IS BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN CUT OFF FROM THE INTERNET. NOT BECAUSE MY LIFE HAS LITERALLY STOPPED AND I HAVE NOTHING TO WRITE ABOUT. Yes, both these books are based off my life. Feel free to give me advice, say what you think, or even just tell me how your life is. I'm always willing to listen so just leave me a nice message in my Inbox :). Haha thanks for reading all this lol.
P.S. ALL updates will be slowing down over the summer and will stop for the month of July, as i will be at camp with no wifi or electronics. I'm not sure what I'll do about all those missed updates, so leave me suggestions :).