Challenge #2 {Part One}

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Once again, I had escaped the hell I called home. The park was a fifteen-minute drive, so I would arrive five minutes early. I was stopped at a red light, slumped down in my leather-clad seat. "Turn green already." I groaned, hitting the steering wheel and at that very second, the light did indeed, switch to green. "Oh." I sat back up and began driving once again, the sound of my phone vibrating distracting me.

"Sophia, Best Friend, heart emoji, diamond emoji is calling. Would you like to pick up?" My car reverberated the sound of the ringing.

"Yes." The ringing dulled away, slowly being replaced by Audre's perky voice.

"How far? How far?" She asked energetically.

"Around ten more minutes," I replied monotonously. "What are you so excited about, anyway? You're not the one meeting him at the park."

"I'm excited because I really think you guys'll hit it off!" I could tell she was telling the truth, she was hoping we would.

"Shut up, Audre." The heat rose up to my cheeks as I thought about having my first ever crush. "Anyway, did you talk to him? Does he seem excited?" I was desperate to know how he felt about this whole situation.

"Oh, uhm, we haven't spoken since... our falling out." If she were sitting beside me, she would be rubbing the back of her neck with a nervous smile.

Anger began to bubble up inside me. "Then how do you know he likes me?" I wanted to punch her, how could she tell me something like that without making sure it was true?

"I found out that he has a crush on you through his loudmouth best friend." She seemed bored of the conversation, following her sentence with a yawn.

"That's so stupid! What kind of best friend just tells someone that?" I rolled my eyes in annoyance. "I'm angry and annoyed, so I'm gonna end the call and listen to some music. Talk to you later, love you."

"Love you too." The car made a small beeping noise to end the call.

"Car, play Bright by Echosmith." As soon as the song started to play, I turned up the volume. The song brought up my spirits with every lyric. Two songs later, I was plugging in my headphones and stepping out of the car. The park was basically a large hill with a gorgeous lake at the top and a forest down the other side. The small droplets of water desperately hanging onto the freshly cut blades of grass shimmered under the newly risen sun. The hill was peaceful, no people to be seen, not yet at least.

I played my private playlist whilst pulling up Kai's contact on iMessage. 'Hey! I'm here, how far are you?' There was a wooden staircase built into the bottom of the hill that lead to cement path, leading up to the lake. I leaned against the worn down, wooden railing while waiting for his reply.

'Look up.' My eyes drifted away from the screen finding a dark-haired boy standing in the parking lot, leaning against a car, with his hands resting in his jean jacket pockets. His vibrant green eyes were fixated on me, a small smile playing on his lips. The edge of my lips quirked up in a smile, joy dancing within my grey eyes. 

He began to walk towards the wooden staircase. "Hey." His voice wasn't deep, but it wasn't squeaky. It was the perfect pitch, not too low or too high. 

"Hey." I gave him a small smile as he stepped onto the platform, beside me. "So before we start hanging out, I should probably let you know why I suddenly threw this at you." I laughed softly. "Audre and I are doing this thing to help me to understand who I am, so she gives me challenges and I have to do them. Today's challenge was hanging out with any guy for the whole day, so I thought, why not Kai?" 

I expected the boy to be upset or mad, but he had a smirk painted on his face. "Oh? Seems cool, I guess we'd better complete the challenge then, huh?" He took ahold of my wrist and took a step forward before turning to look at me. His eyes darted to our hands, almost as if he was asking for permission. I gave a small nod and he smiled, pulling me up to the pathway carved into the hill. "Get ready for the best day of your life, Wayland."  

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