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  • Dedicated to me myself and i

        I met Georgia in her sixteenth year. She was the new girl, and let me be the first to say. She was odd.

        Outcasted from her own immediate family for reasons I'll never know why, but Georgia Jee Jane was different.

        Georgia wore pants with holes, and shirts with thread marks and fabric patches all over. Georgia wore red "shoes" with no souls. They were hardly red just pieces of color worn fabric. I couldn't imagine walking in those... I still wonder how she managed to do it.

        But Georgia was pretty, no doubt about that. Long straight dark brown hair and caramel brown skin. Her eyes were grey, with a tint of baby blue mixed in somewhere along the way. Normal height, I'd say about 5'4 or 5'5 but I never got the chance to ask. She was graceful yet awkward. I didn't know such qualities could mix until I met Georgia.

        She moved into the old run down trailer park crossed the highway from my own home with her father's cousin. Word about her spread fast... it wasn't to surprising, I mean, how often does a fluent English speaking out casted girl from Nepal move to America?

        We met on a Tuesday in July of 1966. I was working my summer job of bussing tables in the town's coffee shop, when I heard the bell right. I looked up as I always did when the bell rang and there stood Georgia... her hair was in knots and her clothes were close to shreds. Face was in mud and I couldn't help but wonder what the hell had happened to this girl. She smell quiet rotten as well, the stench was so bad that I still cant even to this day begin to describe it with out the possible risk of vomiting.

        I didn't know what to do right away. A run down teenage girl was standing in the doorway of the coffee shop. I went back in forth in my mind trying to decide wether to leave her there or to help her out. But then could I even help her?

        Before I was able to make my mind up, the door of my boss' office opened and a grey sunstanced of cigar smoke puffed out almost choking whoever was near.

        "WHAT IS THAT DREADFUL SMELL?" my boss was a tall man. He had a deep voice and mutated eyes; one was green while the other was blue. His name was Mr. Jayler. He was a cruel man and always had a cigar in his mouth. I dreaded him but I never said anything, after all he was the man who signed my check every other Thursday night.

        Mr. Jayler stood in the door of his office with yet again, another nasty cigar in his hand. His deep voice boomed as he demanded to know where the smell was coming from. Mr. Jayler looked around the shop...until he spot Georgia standing in the door way.

        Mr. Jayler took less than a spilt second to realize Georgia was the cause of this dreadful smell swirling in his nostrils. He marched over to where she was standing. Mr. Jayler crouched down and looked Georgia in the eyes. "You smell young lady... no no I wouldn't even call you a lady. A lady takes care for her looks and her hygiene... but I dint think you could say you care, could you?" He practically spat in her face.

        Georgia just stood there. No emotion. She just stood there, looking Mr. Jayler dead in the eyes.

        "What's your name girl?" I really don't think Mr. Jayler was expecting an answer, but he sure got one.

        "If you must know, my name is Georgia" She snapped at him in the most polite yet rudest way I've ever heard up until that point.

        "Well Georgia, I have two words for you," Mr. Jayler put the cigar into his sore filled mouth and puffed the smoke at Georgia's ear.

        "And what might those words be mister?" Georgia half smiled and slightly titled her head to the left.

        "Get. Out." Mr. Jayler spoke calmly and clearly

        "That's very interesting. But what happens if I don't?" she smirked in despise of him.

        "Why, you little disrespectful little girl!" Mr. Jayler raised his hand high in the air, and the whole coffee shop gasped, yet no one moved to stop Mr. Jayler from hitting one moved except for me.

        I was already standing from bussing the tables, and I was only 10 or fewer feet away.

        "Stop!" I screamed running towards the both or them.

        Mr. Jayler's hand stopped mid air. His devil eyes turned towards me.

        "Ah Ryan, how nice of you to join this conversation, although I do believe you were not invited," Mr. Jayler turned back to Georgia raising his hand again but this time in a fist "girl ill warn you one last time...get out of my shop,"

        "You have no right to kick me out" I realized then Georgia was stubborn. she truly was. Mr. Jayler had every right to kick her out, but she simply refused to leave.

        "Don't say I didn't warn you" Mr. Jayler whispered grabbing ahold of Georgias thin patch filled shirt. Mr. Jayler's hand in a fist started coming down fast, and i only had one thing to do.

        I had to stop him.

        I jumped in front of poor Georgia and raised my hands to my face. Mr. Jayler not realising i was there threw a punch with his hairy knuckles right into my stomach. i stumbled onto the hard dusty wood floor of the coffee shop.

        "You stupid busboy!" the whites of Mr. Jayler's eyes went red and he was breathing heavely, "get back to work, you worthless piece of shit"

        " can not hit a...a.. woman Mr. Jayler sir," my voice stuttered but why? What was i so afraid of? I got up to my feet and stood in between were Georgia and Mr. Jayler still stood.

        "You consider this-" Mr. Jayler gestured to Georgia was his two hairy hands "a woman?"

        "As a matter of fact, I do, and you have no right to hit a woman of any kind" I looked the tall man right in the eyes.

        "I never hit her. I only hit you" Mr. Jayler stared me down but I kept staring back.

        "You attempted to harm her and if it wasn't for my being here you would've hit her!" i announced screaming in the mans face. '

        "If thats how you feel you can just take little 'stench girl' and get out, because you're-" I cut him off before he could finish.

        "No, i quit" I whispered as I walked out the door, "Come on Georgia."

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