walking back

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               I led Georgia out onto the hot summer pavement sidewalk. She closely followed behind me.

        “You didn’t have to do that” Georgia whispered under her breath. “I can manage myself” she spoke a bit louder this time.

        I stopped walking and turned around to face her “I wasn’t just going to let you stay there and get hit,” I told her. From the look of Georgia, I knew she couldn’t handle herself. She was a mess.

        “First off you don’t even know me. I know me. And I know I can take a ‘hit’” Georgia had confidence. A woman has never spoken to me in this way.

        “Then I want to get to know you,” I half smiled and stared down at my feet “let’s get you cleaned up, then I’ll take you out for lunch”

          “Cleaned up?” I got kicked out of a coffee shop” Georgia laughed to herself as she continued “what makes you think I clothing store or a hair salon take me in” 

         “I don’t think they will, that’s why I’m taking you to my house. You can shower there and barrow a skirt and a blouse from sister, she won’t mind, she’s away at college,” I wondered if she had a place to stay…was she homeless? Georgia was right I did know nothing about her. All I knew was her name, and she hardly knew mine. “I’m Ryan Giller by the way,”

        “Well thank you Ryan Giller for wanting to help me” Georgia said through her smile. It wasn’t a rude a smile nor a sarcastic one, it was real smile, and in all honestly I glad I made her smile.

         “It’s my pleasure Georgia, my car is parked just a few more blocks away” she walked behind me without speaking another word, I heard herd her stumble over the cracks on the sidewalk a few time and I giggled to myself. 

         As she trotted behind me I noticed all the stares she got from the people walked past us. I couldn’t imagine how that must feel. All the disapproving looks from total strangers. Was she used to it? Or is that something one could never get used to? I often looked back at Georgia to see how she was holding up. She kept her head held high even as she stumbled over the sidewalk. She made no ‘evil’ looks at the ones who judged her from her appearance. She was strong and confidant. That’s something I don’t see in woman these days. They’re all so insecure about their looks and what others think. I myself even worry about what others think. Georgia was different in a lot of ways. But this was one of her differences that made her better than anyone one-man or woman-that I’ve ever seen before  

***authors note***

sorry its a bit short...and sorry for taking so long to upload ive been busy

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2014 ⏰

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