chapter 1

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Put your story text here...2 months earlier

Hello, my name is Shirley Lambert. I am a high school student attending Jenifer high. Today is the day that I confess my love to Jackson Woodward, on the school camping trip to the national forest. I have everything planed out so nothing should go wrong. Now the only thing left to do is to get him alone so I can talk to him. Good thing I made some extra dinner for him, as well as his favorite tea. After we get to the campground I need to make sure we get in a team together. After that I will volunteer to make dinner.

Then I will need to get Tiffany Charmin away from Jackson...

"You ok? Shirley wake up!"

"Huh, Jackson that you?" I said after the feeling came back to my body.

"What happened?"

"You hit your head on that branch and passed out." "You ok?" Jackson said, concerned. "I'm fine" I stood up... not the best thought I ever had, because I forgot that when you hurt your self away from the school campus the first thing they do is look for cuts on you body. So, I was in my underwear and my face was as red as a fire truck. Jackson was just as surprised. His face glowed a bright red. He left after I screamed. I am such an idiot, he must think I'm some kind of weirdo pervert and will probably never talk to me again! After I put my clothes back on I left on a walk to avoid talking to Jackson. Oh, this is so bad! That was the most embarrassing thing to ever happen to me. Oh, what am I going to do? What's that sound?

It was a horrible sound like the screams of some one dying a long and painful death, mixed in with nails on a chalk board and the screech sound that you get if you put a microphone too close to a speaker... or the sound that my roommates cooking makes when you try to eat it. "I wonder if someone could be hurt? I should go and see if someone got attacked by a bear." I went to go and see what was making the sound but I fell. The only thing I could think was oh crap. I hit the ground felt a strong pain form my lag. I broke it. Right in front of me was what was making the sound not a person not an animal but two big monstrous creatures fighting, claws tearing at flesh, teeth biting, crystal like projectiles flying every where, a black energy from their bodies and fire from their mouths.

The huge creatures had spikes of black crystal jetting out of their backs and arms each one looked like it was wearing some kind of middle age scale and crystal like armor. One had a mouth in its stomach and a green ball of energy held by the teeth in its stomach, and was purple and blue. The other hade two wings the crystals on its back where in a spiral pointing down; it was black and red with a white skull for a face with three black stripes going down to the eye and through it to the chine. They where emitting smell of death and chaos the area around them had the smell of burning pine, metal and flesh.

The sound that I had herd was from them hitting each other with each blow that stomach turning sound came almost like some sick song... 1... 2 3 ...1... 2 3... 1 ...2 3 and so on finely I screamed in both horror and shock as the blood from one of them got on me. Both of them stopped and looked at where I was, the bigger one was. Purple and blue colored. The Bigger one suddenly attacked the other one and tore of its right arm and stabbed it in the stomach with a blade that was made with its right arm and trough it to the other side, and then it looked at me and posed to kill...or eat me. I don't really know which because it also opened its mouth in its stomach. As it was about to strike the smaller one appeared to its side and with its black crystal like claws it cut of its head. It seemed to forget that I was there because it began to eat the bigger one starting with its head. After eating the head it moved on to the body and began sinking its claws in to the body rapidly stabbing it over and over. Blood was every where it was a black liquid that seemed to crystallize into vary small black crystals when it touched the ground. The smell was rinsed, it was Intoxicating, and it was the most horrid sight I had ever seen. The smell got to me I through up. It stopped turned around and looked at me like a murder just remembering to kill the immobilized witness.

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