chapter 2 kur

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"So what do you think the elders want?" asked the man to my right

"Dos it really mater what they want? If they wanted me to hop up and down on one foot they would get they way wouldn't they!? I said

"Damn Revan you sheer are in a foul mood today now aren't you?"

"Well wouldn't you be if you just got back from the most boring mission on all of Kur Balder?" said a woman on my lift

"Aghh! Don't scary me like that Tyamat! And just how long where you there?!" asked Balder.

"She's been here since you started talking about how you much you like her." I said rather irritated at Balder's idiocy and how he could not since some ones presence.

"This is most likely related to the Gilgamesh's resent activity but I wonder what they want me to do about it?"...

... "So you have a thing for me Balder?"

"Huh what n-no well y-yea... DAMN it Revan did you have to tell her?!"

"Ha-ha-ha Balder you truly are the idiot of our unit." She was laughing so hard I thought she might fall down.

"Revan you ass why did you have to go and say that!?"

"Because its true isn't it?" I asked I stopped and looked at the two right as Tyamat punched Balder in the face. Balder was about six feet tall and normally went around in a human form. He had his claws out all the time because he was so young his true form was red and white instead of black and white. He had short crimson red heir that went up and strait back. On his face you could see the line at the lower right eye was his real face was showing. His face was somewhat like mine but his looked more like that of a dragon. Tyamat was a young and beautiful woman; she had long teal hair that went down to her whist. Her skin was snow white which was kind of weird if you think about it because most of Sirrush females can't change into a human form for so long. Her light blue eyes are what always seem to get her into tribal because of the way she looked and her age, she was asked out at least every three hours.

"N-no stop don't kill me Tyamat!" I had better stop this before she kills him.

"Tyamat that's enough you don't have to kill him you know."

"Ok but if he dos this agene I will kill him! You hear me Balder!"

"Yea yea what ever just let go!"

"You two will be the death of me. Balder next time you try to grope Tyamat I will kill you me self!" I shouted annoyed. "We have wasted enough time let's go the camber is up ahead."

"Alright let's go see what those old bas..." that was all balder got to say before Tyamat kicked him in the face. It was no secret that the elders did not like me mostly for political reasons. Mostly because I did not approve of how they did ran things and often opuses them, the reason for this is that I am the strongest of the Jaaku; the fourteen strongest warriors of Kur and the as such their leader. And I also had the symbol for evil tattooed on my back. I have some plans to get rid of them as I am shear that they have the same for me. As I walked in to the camber of the elders all fourteen of them suddenly stopped what they where doing. What a useless bunch of old men and women there is not one of the fourteen of them can stand up to me in a fight, not even all of them together. I thought to my self "So why have you called me hear today?" I could not help but to show my dislike for them

"I am shire you well know that Kur has been with out a leader for well over two thousand years, and that for the past two thousand years we elders have run every thing correct?" said Enkidu the oldest of the elders he was over three billon years old

"Yes where are you going with this?" I replied. What are these old timers thinking?

"It's been decided that you will succeed the thorn as the strongest and smartest of our race, do you accept?" I was shocked by the news and my two commanders were even more shacked by the news.

"Revan don't trust them this has to be a trap." Said Tyamat rather aggravated

"How dare you take the thorn so lightly I should kill you where you stand for how you insult the general like that" she shouted as she reached for her sword the customary weapon for the Jaaku. I stopped her right before she drew her blade.

"Don't be so foolish!" I hissed at her while she did rank one in the Jaaku she was still no match for the oldest Sirrush. Things could go bad not even I would so foolishly rush into battle with Enkidu. But if this results in a shinkedo I can't let Tyamat fight, she would be killed before she know what had happened. I would have to do the fight to the death in her stead, damn it! This is bad if I kill Enkidu then I will no doubt have to fight the rest of the elders!

"There is no need to worry Revan I know how she must feel about this." He said to me and thin turned to Tyamat "I will have you now young one that it is considered a grave insult and crime to draw your blade in this place. Your general just saved your life, but that is not what is important what is that I am not lying and this is not a trap. The elders cannot lead the empire any more, we have lead for far to long and as much as we hate to admit it we have not the will to lead the empire anymore and you, Revan, are beast for the job. If you can't lead us to victory over the Gilgamesh thin I fear for us all. The only other who is remotely qualified for the job is Resheph the leader of the Shedu." "Resheph? The leader of our five hundred and third space fleet? He can barley fight. Why would you even conceder him for anything?" I asked rather puzzled.

"Because he is rather smart when you compare him to the others. So will you lead us to victory over the Gilgamesh Revan?" every thing was silent as time seemed to slow down I thought it over for a long time. What to do, what to do? Finley I said

"Yes, and things in Kur will change drastically! Then tomorrow I take the thorn, and all of our empire will feel the power of the strangest of the Jaaku! The Gilgamesh will fall under the full strength of our empire!"

I spiraled around and my cloak seemed to engulf the entire room the looks of surprise from my commanders and the elders told me I had won what should have been an imposable battle, the fact that I just declared victory over Enkidu's little plot to make me fight the battle that all of the past leaders of Kur have fought, I was going to do it! The greatest of all the Anokoku!

"Revan do you know what you are agreeing to! The Anokoku is a fight ageist over two hundred by yourself you will have to kill over two hundred Gilgamesh!" said Balder rather panicked. The last one was two hundred and thirty so you will have to achieve that!"

"Balder I am doing this because if I do then I will have absolute power over Kur and the empire. I will kill six hundred of the Gilgamesh if I have to! Then no one will dare stand in my way I will have the power to do as I pleas and I will get rid of the elders once and for all after this!" balder stopped and looked at me with awe and then said

"My apologies I should not have underestimated you Revan you will make a great leader." Tyamat was not so confidant however

"Promise me you will come back from this ok." She looked so worried that I did not no what to say to her.

"Of course I will Tyamat I will come back and then we will show every one what the Jaaku can do!" she seemed content on that answer but not satisfied with it.

"Ok she said with eyes that where almost tear filled.

"Well I am of to complete Anokoku so I will be back soon." I said jokingly

"Did Revan just try to make a joke?!" exclaimed Balder and Tyamat kicked him in the face.

Chapter 2 Kur End

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