Part 14

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Kiara POV

I stared at the abortion clinic before me. Last night, I thought I'd be perfectly okay, but I wasn't. Honestly, I was petrified. 

Jessica thought I was with Bruno, or at home. She had no idea what I was doing, since she was at a hotel with Kam. Taking a deep breath, I walked inside.

Surprisingly, it was empty, except for a man at the counter.

"Go right in, Kiara," he grinned. I returned the gesture and awkwardly scurried away. 

"Alright, so you wish to terminate this child for personal reasons?" The doctor inquiried the moment I walked in. No hello or anything. He didn't even turn to face me, and his voice sounded altered.

"Um...yes," I mumbled, before clearing my throat. "Yes. "Why, Kiara?" He asked, turning to me. I gasped.

"B-Bruno. W-Why are you-why are you h-here?" I stuttered shyly, looking down. 

"Because I can't let you kill my child, Kiara," he replied casually, stabbing me in the stomach with a knife he conjured. I gasped for air as he turned it, a twisted grin on his face.

"Since you were going to kill my child, I had to kill you," he stated calmly, ripping the knife out. Blood poured out of my wound as I fell to the ground.

"You'll forgive me, right?" He asked, as my vision went black.

"Right?" He repeated as I lost conciousness.












I awoke suddenly as Jessica's headboard slammed against the wall. My eyes widened as I realized what was happening, and I covered my ears with a pillow. I guess she thought I was out the house. 

"OH, KAM YES! HARDER BABY!" She screeched. I slammed my fist against the wall, immediately making them cease their actions.

"SHUT THE...Fuck up," I yelled, my voice cracking at the end. 

I cover myself with my pillow, beginning to sob. 

Never in my life had I felt so alone.







3 weeks later...

"Are you excited?" Jessida asked for the 600th time. 

I rolled my eyes. "Yes."

"I'm excited, because the doctor said if the baby's uncrossed its' legs today, we can tell the gender!" She squealed, hugging me.

"Not too tight; my chest is sore," I whined. She nodded and backed away.

"Your boobs are bigger too, babes," she smirked. I rolled my eyes again as I entered the doctor's.

Today was the day I would find out the gender of my baby. Kam and Jessica had been there every step of the way, and I couldn't be more grateful.

As for Bruno, he repeatedly called and texted me, or he would visit and demand to see me. It got so bad that Jess and I had to move and I had to change my number.

I walked into my doctor's office and quickly checked in.

"Hello, Kiara! How are you doing today?" Dr. Shirley, my doctor, chirped cheerfully as we all got situated.

"I'm doing good Dr. Shirley, and yourself?" I smiled back.

We engaged in small talk as she squirted the cold, clear gel on my stomach. I winced, but quickly smiled as I saw my child on the screen. 

"So, it looks like Baby Sancheź is doing very well," she informed us. "You're about 4 months pregnant, would you like to know the gender?"

"Yes, please!" I blurted out quickly.

"Well, you can't."

My mouth dropped open as she chuckled.

"I'm just playing, Mrs. Sancheź. Congratulations, in about 5 months, you'll be having a healthy baby boy." 

I covered my mouth as I began to cry happily. Kam and Jessica helped me off the table, and after I profusely thanked Dr. Shirley, we were on our way.

"So what'll you be naming him?" Jessica questioned as we ate lunch in our car.

"Mmh, I dunno. Probably-" I was cut off when I feel the baby moving.

"Ooh, lemme feel!" Kam squealed in a high pitched voice, reaching back and placing a hand on my stomach.

A song I hadn't heard before came on the radio, and I listened curiously, immediately regretting it when I recognized the voice.

"Oh, her eyes, her eyes, make the stars look like they-"

Kam quickly turned the radio off, and he and Jessica both looked at me.

"Let's just go home," I mumbled. 

Bruno POV

"BRUNO!" Ria screamed from our bedroom. 

I rolled my eyes before answering. "Yes, babe?"


I muttered angrily as I stood up, storming to where she was.

She was spread out across the bed, watching TV and rubbing her stomach. 

"I want-"

"Really, Ria? I was writing a song!" I yelled out of frustration. 

"So? Just The Way You Are just came out. Get your money from that, let it die down, and then write your little songs," she shrugged. I felt my blood boil.

"First of all, bitch, those little songs are paying me so your ass can sit around all day. Second of all, if I don't release a new song, I'll lose my popularity, and I'll be a one-hit wonder. So shut the fuck up and get your own Chipotle," I snapped, storming out the room.

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