Chapter 7

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Hi again, thank you for your reviews, for following and liking this story; there's no better motivation to write 😊. So, I booster myself to update because I promised to AmanRodr to update soon 😊. This chapter will follow immediately after last scene of the previews chapter.

NOTE 1: Everything in bold italics, it will be the character's narrative, I mean, like an internal dialogue, their thoughts.

NOTE 2: Everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene. This entire chapter is in Alison's house, the only thing that changes, it's that there is a time jump between some scenes...

I hope it's clear and thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review! Have a great day!

Chapter 7

***Emily's narrative***

Nothing compares with the 'today', with the present time... you can always plan for future days but in the end... what it stays with you forever... what you will always remember... will be what you do today... in this moment... in this minute... in this second... so the real question is: what do you want to remember?

(Alison's house)

Outside Alison's house, the girls were parking their cars...

Spencer says very enthusiastic. - "Who's ready to leave for college?!"

Aria. - "Meee!!! I can't believe we will finally be able to live a normal life... without A..."

Hanna. - "Tell me about it... hey, where is Emily? She should be here already... we promised to say good-bye to Ali before leaving..."

Aria. - "I can't believe she's staying in Rosewood..."

Spencer. - "She wants to stay close to her sister... Cece..."

When the name of their ex-former torturer is mentioned, all the girls feel a mix of displeasing feelings...

Hanna mutters. - "We should have let her throw herself from that roof..."

Aria scolds. - "Hanna!"

Hanna shrugs. - "What?! Come on! Don't tell me that you would not feel better if she was dead!"

Spencer and Aria don't reply, they just sigh heavy and change the subject...

Aria. - "This is a happy day... let's talk about other things... seriously! Where is Emily?!""

Spencer looks at her watch and says. - "I can't stay too long... I would like to avoid traffic..."

Hanna. - "Maybe she will not come... I mean... it's Alison after all..."

The girls just look at each other, they know there has always been a deep connection between the blonde and the brunette but for some reason neither of them was brave enough to talk about it...

Aria. - "Do I call Em? You know.... to ask her if we wait for her or not..."

Spencer was going to say something when they heard what it looked like a scream...

Spencer. - "Did you hear that?!"

Aria and Hanna nodded...

Hanna panics. - "This isn't happening again! We're free of Cece... we're free of A!"

They heard a 2nd scream... panicking... thinking the worse... the 3 friends run towards the source of the scream; Spencer knew where Alison kept an extra key and they got inside the house of the blonde; they run upstairs, and they do a heroic entrance, kicking down the door of Alison's room...

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