Chapter 10

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Hi, sorry for not updating sooner, I'll try to improve that but it's hard right now, a lot of work and a huge exhaustion I can't swing out of me. But, I'll try to do better and update soon again 😊. So this chapter will start the same night of the robbery on the pharmacy (see previous chapter)

NOTE 1: Everything in bold italics, it will be the character's narrative, I mean, like an internal dialogue, their thoughts. And everything in italics, it's just the words in which I want to emphasize

NOTE 2: The * X * it's to mark the beginning of a new scene, I mean, a change of scenario and everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene.

I hope it's clear and thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review! Have a great day!

Chapter 10

*** Alison's narrative ***

The universe is a funny thing, no matter how you see it, how much you study it, the universe will always be a huge mystery... so, why we worry about fully understand it? Why we try to control it? Why we consume our precious time making questions we will never solve...? Why?! Why we can't just close our eyes, and breath it in? Why we can't just live...? Live... because life is a mystery you can't control, it's a game you must play till you can't anymore... and when the endgame comes... it's always when you least expect it...

The Fields rushed inside the police station, worried for the blonde who has become like another daughter for them, they rush inside the building filled with cops, looking for Emily & Alison, they were there to comfort the blonde who just experienced an awful robbery but, the one who was more needed of comfort, it was another girl...

Emily was still shaking, looking so pale that Alison was affraying the brunette would get sick after so stressful night. Yes, Alison was the one who lived the scary events but, the one who was more tormented with it, it was Emily. The Fields find the girls and they get more concerned when they look at a pale, very pale brunette, glued to Alison...

Pam. - "ALI! You're..."

Alison. - "I'm ok, you don't need to worry about me..."

Wayne smiles. - "We're so glad nothing bad happened to you..."

Pam. - "I would never forgive myself if something bad would happen to you..."

Emily grips harder on Alison and says. - "Neither, I would..."

Pam feels worse, hearing Emily's sharp words and, Alison doesn't approve Emily's behavior...

Alison scolds. - "Emily! You've no right to say those words to your mom!"

Emily doesn't reply, her lips just quivers like she was going to cry, but she doesn't, she just buries her face in Alison's neck and grips harder on Alison.

A police approaches and says. – "Miss DiLaurentis, we need your statement, please follow me..."

Alison nods. – "Off course..."

The blonde tries to unglue Emily from her and follow the cop, but she can't...

Alison. - "Em... I need to go with the cop... please let me go..."

'Let me go...' those words resounded inside Emily's mind and a terrifying fear possessed the brunette. For Emily, there was nothing scarier than letting Alison go...

Emily grips harder on Alison's and says with a broken voice. – "No, no, no... I can't..."

Alison and the Fields gulp hard, they have never seen the brunette like that...

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