"First Impression"

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BEEP, BEEP, BEEP, SMACK! (I need a new alarm clock) I thought. I  look over to read 6:00 am as I slowly wiggle my way out of bed to get prepared to make or break my day. First, I go to the bathroom, almost forgetting to shut the door and got undressed getting my tooth brush turned the hot water on an waited for the water to heat up to almost hot enough to burn my skin and get in the tub. Start to brush then use my special shampoo and conditioner  that makes my fur extra soft. I finish and get out after turning the water off and go to my room, proceeding to dry off and get on some "Batman" underwear. Go over and get in my dresser and pull out blue jeans not considered skinny jeans, but helped show off my butt. Then a plain white t-shirt and put over top with a black hoody. Grabbed my phone to check the time and holly shit it's already 7:38, ran out my bedroom through on my shoes a crammed my phone in my front pocket as I ran out slamming the door behind me. Thank God I remember it from the walk yesterday, sense I missed the bus. Great, I'm already going to start the school year off with being late. From Alex-The city I live in right now is larger than I'm used to, but I like it. Also, the school I'm going to right now has over 200 students which is more than I'm used to. That's all I had to say for now, hope u people are enjoying it so far.
                       Skip  Ahead
          As I'm gasping for air from all the running, I stop at the front doors as everyone was about to walk in and pull out my phone a read 7:58. "Yes I made it, with two minutes two spare." I said aloud and look around to see if someone was judging me, to my surprise no one cared. It was a good sign, that means I can easily hide/blend in. So I decided to check out the fellow students attending "Orange Field High School", I see a couple of people huddled up talking and off to the side of them, a couple makingout. The male looked like a puma and a female looked like a hyena.Okay, back on topic, it's a typical day. Just the new kid action you get that makes you feel weird and out of place like you get when no one wants you around. Yah that feeling was creeping it's way through my skin and burrowing into the depths of my soul. Before I became overwhelmed with the curse of emotions, the bell rings, indicating to come in to school. I frantically squirm my way of to the edge of the wall, so I'm not trampled. As the smaller, weaker kids are in the back half of the long and fear-or-shish crowd of students. I slip my way in the middle a start my walk towards the main office like any normal person would, Right? Whelp anyway, I'm scanning the sides of the hallway and see in big bold letters (last time I checked) Main Office. All I see, is the most terrifying and scarring thing in my life is a..... HUMAN.  Everthing around me just seemed to just slowly and drastically come a distant blur. Then it just seems to zoom in and enhance the female student that just gradually and non-chlontlly walk up and say "Hello, Good morning Principal Aluwinish." And all I can do is slowly step back to the wall as my breathing just continued to become faster and faster till the point when I start to himperventerlat. The last thing I remember is this cutest look fur step towards me a try to say something, then everything just went black.
    UNKOWN Cutie POV With Mine
      It was a normal depressing school day when out of no where I see this this I think it was a wolf run pass me. Sorry for the fourth wall break but do guys know who this sexy new kid is. (I STOP TIME, OK you can't just go and do that) "Who said that?", (your creater) "Wasn't that my mom and dad?" (Yes, but I made them) "Wasn't that there parents?" (You know what you smartass, look down) "Why?" (Just do it, STARTS TIME) "Fine, God!" Was the last thing he said to the mystery voice. When he saw the cutest ass in his life. All he could do was blush and it was strong, he looked down because of a tingling sensation. Thats when he noticed his growing bulge in his pants. More flustered then before he covers himself up with his jacket and continued to walk to the entrance of the school. The bell rings as we all start to walk in, me being the lazy slow poke I am, I'm towards the back of the group of students. I hope I have some classes with that new student, as I see a fur back up, I think he's having a panic attack. I step towards him before he faints, the sly, little hero I am I catch him and pick him up bridle style and take him to the nurses office. A couple hours pass and I see him starts to show sign of life again.
                     ALEX'S POV
           The light shins bright directly  on my eyes as I slowly open them.  I groan as I sit up. I take a look at my surroundings, and see this cute fur give me this smile that melts my heart. I feal my face to start to heat up and I turn my head to face other direction hoping he didn't notice my blush. "W-What year is it?" is all I managed to say. I look back at him, this time in the eyes. "It's 2034" the other said. I yell out "What" as I start to panic, I over hear him snickering to himself and he tells me "It's only been two hours" calm down. I put on a angry-pouty face, like kids do when they don't get what they want. And all he had to say was awwww that's so cute. I blush furlisly and scream "No it isn't, that was mean". Okay okay it wasn't as I laugh, and say "Oh yah, I'm Flake."

Name: Flake Heal
Age: 16
Race: Snow Leopard
Sexuality: Homosexual
Decription: Normal looking Snow Leopard with ocean blue eyes,
Height: 5'6

I'm sorry but I feel like I'm not good at writing, so a comment would be nice if you think otherwise. I don't think that's going to stop me from writing it. Last, still haven't gotten a picture for the cover. Lol what ever.

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