Cheating recovery time and classes!

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A/N: So, to explain real quick before this chapter starts, senzu beans are something you have and since this is the RWBY universe and not dbz, you know how to grow senzu beans. Since Korin is an jerk when giving them out

3rd person POV

Y/N and Yang have been stuck in the nurse office for a day, apparently the broke bones, Y/N sighs and gets an idea as Ruby enters their room to check on them

Ruby: Hey guys! How you holding up?

Yang: Well dear sister you could say ... We're YANGing on a thread? Eh? Eh?

Y/N: kill me please... One day of her is enough. Ruby get my that little pouch on my clothes.

Ruby: uhh... Sure.

Like a good friend Ruby did as she was asked, watching curiously as Y/N takes a bean out

Y/N: Senzu beans... Just gotta love them.

Yang/Ruby: What's a senzu bean?

Y/N sighs as he looks at them

Y/N: senzu beans are a magical plant that can heal you from almost any wound, so don't lose any limbs hear me?

(A/N: hah, poor yang. Even with senzu beans you can't keep both arms.... I think someone look that up plz)

Ruby: cool! Those will help later on missions!

Y/N eats one and gets out of the bed

Y/N: here yang. Senzu bean!

Y/N throws one into her mouth before she could say something

Y/N: Don't you dare make another pun! Eat up and we can get to at least half of our classes.

Yang eats the senzu bean and jumps out of bed

Yang: I-I feel great! Thanks Y/N!

Yang hugs Y/N's arm. Y/N turns a bright red as she rubs her breast against her arm

Y/N: "s-so soft..."

Ruby: cmon guys! We have combat class next!

Y/N: combat!? Count me in

He runs to Goodwitch's class , leaving Ruby and yang in the dust, and not the dangerous kind.

He sits with the rest of team RWBY as yang and Ruby walk in

Yang: Yyyyyyy/n slow down will ya?

Ruby: Yeah that was so fast

He laughs

Y/N: Sorry! I guess I was in a hurry hehe...

The class starts with Goodwitch slapping her riding crop right by Y/N's hands

Goodwitch: so where have you been Mr. L/N?

Y/N: well I've been recovering from a sparring match with Yang, but don't worry! I am fine and ready to fight!

Goodwitch: well... On that note why don't you fight Mr. Ark?

Jaune: W-Wait why me?

Goodwitch: Because you've been falling behind in class, so why not battle against mr. L/N?

Jaune: O-Ok...

They get into the ring

Y/N: "ok his power level isn't as high Yang or some of the other hunters here, so a simple punch should take him out..."


Jaune charges at y/n, just to be met with a punch that throws him through a wall

Y/N: oops! Sorry bud! I didn't mean to hurt ya

Goodwitch: The winner is Y/N, good work you two. Now class dismissed!

The other classes were very boring to Y/N, sure he was smart, buuuuut school is school so classes were boring as hell. Until lunch time. When Y/N got his lunch he gobbled it down quickly

Weiss: So barbaric...

Blake sighs and eats quietly

Yang giggles

Yang: so Y/N... When do you think you'll get your own team so we can have a full team battle!

Y/N: beats me. I hope soon, after all I would love to have a full out team spar and get to have more friends then you guys.

Ruby stands up

Ruby: Y/N! As of now you'll be meeting team JNPR. You already met the leader

Y/N: oh the guy I took down in one punch.

Jaune: I'm right here...

Y/N jumps

Y/N: Sorry... I didn't see ya. Hi I'm Y/N L/N, the 'golden warrior' apparently

JNPR smiles

Jaune: I'm Jaune, the leader

Ren: Lie Ren

Nora: I'm Nora! Nice to meet you do you make pancakes if you do we'll be great friends!

Pyrrha: I'm Pyrrha Nikos, it's a pleasure to meet you

Y/N: it's nice meeting you four too!

He smiles as his group of friends grow.

A/N: and done, there's the latest chapter. I'd like you guys to send OCs for a team for Y/N so he isn't a lonely little Saiyan and can go on cool missions with them that are more dragonball related

A True warrior! (Male Saiyan reader X RWBY)Where stories live. Discover now