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Isabella's POV


I sprawled across my bed and smiled to myself. For some reason, Matt was on my mind. I love thinking about our friendship.

Matthew (I call him Matt) and I have been best friends for ten years now. He's everything you could ever ask for in a best friend. He's sweet, kind, caring, hilarious, smart, trustworthy, and basically my family.

Speaking of family, that's actually how we met. Here in New York, there are so many important people. My mother and his father just happened to be two of those "important people". My mother, Charlotte, has her own fashion line here. Matt's father has his own men's clothing line.

At a fashion meet one day, my mother Charlotte met Matt's father, Daniel. The two became friends instantly, and after my mother invited Daniel and his family over for dinner more and more, Matt and I started getting closer and closer.

Our friendship began to grow, and is still growing to this day. Matt is my soulmate. Maybe the whole idea of having a soulmate is cheesy, but that's what Matt is to me. He's meant to be my best friend. My life wouldn't be what it is without him. I don't know what I would be without hi-

A knock at the door woke me from my thoughts. "Come in!" I said, sitting up. The door opened carefully. "Miss. Isabella, your mother would like you to come downstairs, Matt and Daniel are here." Jill, one of our maids informed me.

I was grinning so big it hurt. "Thank you, Jill!" I said hopping off my bed and practically sprinting out of my room.

If you can't tell already, Matt and I come from pretty wealthy families. To me, money doesn't matter and whether I had money or not, it wouldn't change who I am.

I skipped down the hallway and ran down the huge flight of stairs trying to keep from tripping. I just saw Matt two days ago, but it felt like much longer than that since we're on spring break.

Once I finally got downstairs, I dashed to the dining room. My mother was talking with Matt and his parents, but I could see Matt was looking around for me.

"Matt!" I squealed, maybe a little overly excited. "Bella!" he smiled back, standing up and running towards me. We dramatically ran towards each other and he extended his arms to hug me. I ran into his arms and rested my head on his chest.

"I missed you Bella." he whispered into my ear. He's the only person who calls me Bella. "I missed you too." I said, smiling.

"Isabella! We haven't seen you in quite a while young lady." said Daniel and his wife, Claire. "Yes, it's been a while Mr. and Mrs. Quinn." I said, releasing Matt and giving them a hug. "Oh please Isabella, after all these years how many times do I have to tell you? You can call us by our first names!" he said, chuckling.

"Well me and Daniel are going to talk about a fashion event coming up so Isabella go ahead and take Matthew to your room okay dear?" my mother said. I simply nodded and took Matt's hand in mine, dragging him up the stairs.

Now a lot of people would think it's a little weird to have my mom let me take a boy up to my room so easily, but we've known each other for the longest time, no one ever thinks twice about it.

"Hurry up Matt! I need you to help me decide which dress I should wear to the gala next weekend!" I said.

"Alright, I'm coming!" he replied.

I led him inside the room next to my bedroom, which is my closet. I plopped him down on the love seat in front of the mirror and got the dresses I was going to try on for him.

"Okay let me get the dresses." I said. "K, Bells." he said. 'Bells' was also another thing only he called me.

As I grabbed the first couple of dresses and set them down on the love seat next to Matt, I froze.

He looked pretty sharp today. He was wearing a very light blue t shirt from American eagle with jeans, and his messy, light brown hair was perfect. His light green eyes really brought out his tan skin and muscles--

"What are you staring at?" Matt asked, raising an eyebrow. "N-nothing." I said, and quickly turned around.

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