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Before we start, huge thank you to Justice_for_Barb for the wonderful cover. Thank you! ♡

Welcome, judges and competitors, to the Compass Awards for 2018!

We are a group of girls that you may address as Serenity, Morgan, and Trinity. We are the leaders of the Compass Board.

I am Serenity. I am Head of the Board, and the one that handles most of the actual competition. I do the chapters, survey the categories, etc.

Morgan is the one who keeps track of everything; rules, requests, questions, etc. She is the one to go to if you have questions about how much room we have, or anything related to that.

And Trinity is our media and date tracker. She tracks media, basically doing whatever she can to keep up to date, handling the outside (PM's, tags, giving me names on the Hall of Fame...), and keeping track of the time that the competition stops, pauses, and ends.

Now that you understand, let's get down to business.



● No bribing/trying to convince judges.
● No books are able to have extremely intimate scenes, unless it's time skipped.
● You can not be a judge AND a competitor.
● You must meet all requirements and rules, no exceptions.
● The # of your chapters may not be over 75 (not including A/N's) and under 3.
■ The password to up your chances of getting in is your favorite song and artist.
● If you get texted a ♥ you are in.
● If you get texted a ❗you are not.
● There is no use in asking us to let you break a rule or two. We will say no.
● If you are a friend of ours, we will let you lose if your book is bad. This is a competition, we will not hesitate to let you know that you haven't won.
● Grammar and spelling is a must.
● No negative feedback, from judges or competitors. This is a good place where people can relax.


● No allowing someone to break a rule. They break it, they are out.
● You can only allow books that show promise. (Grammar, good plot, etc...)
● No "teaming up".
● If you manipulate the games to make a friend win, you're fired, period.
● You can not be a competitor if you are a judge.
■ Password to be a judge is to tell us how much you love pizza. (If you say you don't like it, ABSOLUTELY NOT, YOU MONSTER.)
● As said before, put a ♥ if the person's book looks good to compete, and if not, an ❗

Looks like that's it for rules and regulations! Comment 'Once Apon a Time!' if you have read and completed the rules! Participants, head over to the next chapters for your forms!

Compass Awards 2018'''CLOSED'''Where stories live. Discover now