Heya! It's Leah, and I'm alive!! OOOOOOOO
This week has been
C R A Z Y.
CRAZY.An old student at my school passed away in a horrific accident, and the whole school has been mourning over her death. Olivia Baker was sweet, smart, funny, kind, and always one to put others before herself. I just wish I could've got the chance to know her better; just a little, but her soul is somewhere safe and her memory will be with the school forever.
Enough with the sadness, for I'm positive she wouldn't want me dwelling about it. ♡
Here's some art -
And a few stupid vents
PlutoBurns(And sorry it's so dark heck)
^ These pen-doodles were drawn yesterday, and a close friend of mine was crying his eyes out, which hurt me even more, but don't worry, we're all progressively getting better.
It'll always hurt, but a little bit of pain will subside.^ New Boyo that I made on MiiHomo- I mean Miitomo.
And then here's a failed attempt to draw all of my friends on one page.I couldn't even get all of them
>:(There was almost 20? Or there was 20?
Shelby, Max, Max 2.0, KancerKed (I got chu boyo), Robert, Shelly, Zachary, Zack, Jasmine, Kaylee, Lily, Devin... and that's all I got.I was going to add you guys first PlutoBurns and KancerKed , but I wasn't sure what to do for you, Rooby-Booby.
I still love you guys both.
Seriously, I do.~Leah