Chp. 12: In His Arms

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April's POV

"Bye mum! I'm going out with Justin." I look at myself one last time in the mirror. I'm sporting a raglan shirt with red sleeves, ripped jean shorts and black converse. I grab a polka-dotted red headband and place it neatly on top of my head. A vintage necklace hangs outstandingly around my neck.

"Okay honey, have fun! Be careful, okay?" Mum cries from the kitchen. I wonder if she ever gets out of there. If ever you can't find her, try our kitchen. She's always there trying something new and edible with the food. Usually, she bakes the best chocolate chip cookies. I guess that's the reason why dad feel for her. But why did they part ways?

"Honey! I'm home!" Dad exclaims running towards mum who was still in the kitchen waiting for her famous chocolate chip cookies to be done. A ten-year-old me sits on the counter impatiently waiting for my treats.

"Hey hun!" Mum throws a hug as dad plants a kiss on her cheek. "How was work?" She asks sweetly as she takesdad's coat off and hung it on the hook.

"Horrid. I'm knackered," Dad approaches me. "And hungry." He pats my head and I plant a kiss on his cheek. I pull back with a smile on my face. "Hey princess, you hungry too?" I nod excitedly. "Well, Mum is about to serve the most taste bud-exploding chocolate chip cookies in the history of cookies." He smiles and pinches my cheek.

Mom approaches the both of us with a sweet smile, her warm arms suddenly wrapped around us. "I love you guys."

"And we love y—" My dad was cut off when we hear a screech. "Honey, the cookies!" My dad cries as mum panics and hurriedly goes to the oven. My eyes pop as I stare at the almost black treats. "Look what you've done!" My dad throws his hands in frustration.

"I.." My mum's voice already cracking. "Honey, we can make another batch."

"Bloody hell, Joan!" Dad's voice already ringing in my ears. "That's it, I'm signing the divorce papers." He grabs his coat and briefcase before grasping the doorknob and opening the door. He faces us with both eyebrows raised. "Good day to you, Sir! Err, Madam!" He snaps his head with sass and heads out, slamming the door behind him.

I look immediately at my mum who's in tears. I run into her shaking arms immediately as my eyes began to water. I'm suddenly startled when we hear a knock on the front door. I hope dad returns.My heart's suddenly filled with hopes.

"Dad!" I exclaim while opening the door. Instead of finding a tall man with a coat, suit and tie, my eyes land on a pink starfish.

"No, this is Patrick!" He says. I wiggle my eyebrows in distraught. I turn my back at him and my eyes almost swell at the sight of a purple dinosaur.

"Mom? Err.. Barney?" I ruffle my eyebrows once again in complete puzzlement. The dinosaur mascot comes closer to me.

"Even though your dad left us, remember, you can always count on me." Barney reaches his arms out to me and pats my shoulder, while I stand there awkwardly. "I love you, you love me. We're a happy family, with a great big hug and a kiss from me to you," His enormous mascot mouth lands on top of my head, giving it a peck before pulling off. "Won't you say you love me too?" His mascot eyes seem to stare at mine.

I stand there stiffly, not knowing how to respond to his little song. "Barney,"

"Won't you say you love me too?" He repeats and both of his short paws land on my shoulder with quite a grip. "Won't you say you love me too?!" He violently shakes me back and forth. I take a look at his once white eyes, now red. Blood flows through his mouth and droplets land on the floor.

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