The Question

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I looked at the clock. "8:54," it read. I was late. I checked my phone to see two miss calls from Dyl. I frantically ran to put my pants on when I heard a knock at the door.

"Thomas! Hey buddy open up it's time to go!" I grabbed the first shirt I could find and quickly put it on. There was more banging on the door.

"Can you wait one bloody minute?" I fixed my hair and opened the door. Standing there was Dylan. He smiled at me. This caused a strange feeling in my stomach.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room. "You are late! Come on the interviews waiting!" The feeling of his touch made me anxious. Stop thinking this Thomas, I told myself.

Ever since the filming of The Death Cure I have had these strange feelings about Dylan. I wasn't really sure what it was. But the interviews did not help.

We finally arrived and took a seat in our chairs. The interview began and it was just like any other. The interviewer asked questions, Dylan would answer, and then try to make me laugh.

But, something happened. "So tell me something that you admire about the other person." Dyl smiled and looked at me. I waited. "Well Thomas is just such a cool and genuine guy, you know. I really respect him." I tried so hard not to blush. Oh shit! What am I gonna say? I thought.

"Well Dylan is um..." I choked on my own words. There were a million things I admired about Dylan, but for some reason I  could not get my self to say a single one.

"Hey come on Thomas there must be something you like about me," he teased me. My heart was beating fast. I like everything about you, I wanted to say. "He really likes the Mets."

That was the stupidest thing you could've said, you idiot. The interviewer moved on real quick and Dylan laughed, playing it off like he usually does. I tried my best to hide my embarrassment.

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