Chapter 1

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Third POV
On an island on the Grand Line, sits a dark castle, surrounded by graves and the stench of death. Inside the castle is where the man known as the greatest swordsman resides. Dracule "Hawkeye" Mihawk sits by his fireplace, drinking a glass of wine, as he reads the latest news. Suddenly, he sensed a presence approaching the island at a fast rate. Too quickly for his liking. He stood up and approached a large window. Off in the distance, he sees something flying through the air that was about to crash. There was a booming noise before the earth shook. Mihawk stares off in the distance where the object crashed. He grabbed his coat and his sword before he left to go investigate.

Rose's POV
I slowly opened my eyes, waking up on the ground. As I lie on my stomach, memories started flowing into my head, a headache soon follows. Shaking my head, I slowly try to stand up, pain shoots through me. I groan in pain but stand anyways. I take in my surroundings, feeling lost as to where I am. All around me there's graves and ruins. The smell of blood is everywhere. I try hard to ignore the smell. I looked over myself and checked if I still had my belongings. I still had my bag pack strapped on and my treasured katana, Shino Kage (Shadow of Death), strapped to my hip. My long black hair was a mess. I saw that I also had a couple of scraps and bruises but other then that I was fine, just dirty. I need a bath....

I heard a noise behind me and turned to be face to face with a... monkey? I saw the creature was covered in armor and had a sword. It glared at me before charging. I unsheathed my sword and quickly blocked the attack, but the force of the attack pushed me back. I struggle to hold back to the monkey. I notice that we weren't alone anymore. Multiple monkey that have similar armor and weapons as the one in front of me started popping up out of no where. I was surrounded in seconds. I push back on the swords and threw the monkey away from me. But it wasn't long before another one attacked me but this time I mange to counter it. I kicked it away from me. Thanks to my reflexes, I dodged an axe flying my way. It lodge itself in a gravestone. I looked at it, thinking if that was my head, I would be beyond dead right now...

"Damn monkeys..! You can't give me a damn break can you?!" I growled at one of them as it charged at me.

I blocked it but this one was stronger. I was force down to one knee because of the weight of the attack. I grabbed onto it's arm and fell backwards, flipping it over me, kicking it away from me. I quickly jumped to my feet and readied myself for an attack. The monkey I flipped was about to charge again but froze. He started shrieking causing the others to do the same. They started running away, leaving me confused. I slowly turn around. A tall man was walking in my direction. He wore a long coat, no shirt and purplish grey pants with black boots. He had short, spiky, black hair and facial hair. What stood out to me was his gold-yellows eyes and cross shaped sword. This man had a strong aura to him, I started to sweat a little as I became nervous. 'This man is dangerous...' I thought. I held up my sword to him, in a defensive stance, to show him not to come closer. He stopped a few feet in front of me, studying me. His face was neutral, I couldn't read his face to see what he was thinking.

"What is a little girl such as yourself doing on a dangerous island such as this?" 

I tensed up when he started speaking. I stared at him not answering. His eyes narrowed at me, as I glared back.

"Well? Are you going to answer me or do I have to force it out of you?" He said taking a step forward.

I quickly jumped back, creating distance between us. I still didn't answer him... I swear my stubbornness will be the death of me one day. I held my sword tighter, waiting, just in case he attacks. He sighs before taking out a small hidden knife around his neck.

"So be it...."

I dashed away before he can make a move, but he was faster then me. He appears in front of me, slashing me with the small blade. I managed, somehow, to block it, but the force of it brought me down to both my knees. 'He's way stronger then those damn monkeys!' I thought. My arms start to shake as I hold the pressure of the attack on my blade. He noticed this and backed off for a second before swinging his blade once more at me. I dodge the attack by a hair. The blade didn't touch me but the pressure of it cause it to cut my cheek and the tips of my hair. I flipped away from him, as quickly as I could. I could tell he wasn't trying at all. But for me, my life depends on it. I was breathing heavily and my arms still shaking for the last attack. We stare at each other waiting for the other to move. 'I need to get out of here and fast!' I thought. In a flash, he was in front of me and knocked my blade out of my hand and away from me. I turned to see it land a few feet away from us. I looked up at him as he stared down at me, he small blade pointed at my chest.

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