Chapter 2

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One year later~~
Rose's POV

I'm breathing heavy as my arms shake. Mihawk sensei wasn't kidding when he said he very strict. There haven't been a time where I kinda regret even staying here but I push that thought away because if it wasn't for him, I would be weak, I wouldn't be able to control my devil fruit. It's been a whole year since I left home and came here to live, what I call Dracula's Castle. Mihawk sensei gives me glares whenever I even mutter the name. Especially when I call him Dracula himself. Yeaaaaaa, he hates that.

"If you have time to daydream, you have time to finish the exercise." Said Dracula, snapping me out of my thoughts. I glared at him and pouted.

"Daydreaming and exercising requires two different energy, one of which I no long have." I said taking a deep breath.

"Yes well, I expect you to have energy in general." He said taking a sip of his wine. I rolled my eyes but tried to finish the exercise. I held a small super weight, as long as I can before dropping it. I grunted in relief at the loss of extra weight. Sensei looked over to me.

"You lasted longer than usual, seems you improving at a fast rate, but for me as your teacher, that is not enough." He said to me, bringing a glass of water over. I greedily took it and gulped it down.

"So now what? Onto the next step?" I asked as I finished all my water. He nodded.

"Give me your sword." He said, hand stretched out. I handed him my sword as I stretched my limbs. He inspected it.

"Next I'm going to teach you proper swords play, because if I remember correctly your form is one of the sloppiest I've ever seen." He said looking down at me. I glared at him.

"All right, you don't have to rub it in my face like that. But at least I can finally use my sword properly!" I said fist pumping in the air. He smirked at my excitement and then gave my his evil eye. I started to sweat a little at his look.

"Don't think this training will be easy. It will be ten times harder then what you have been doing so far. We will also work on your aerial combat training. I need you to be more confident in using your power." He said.

"Yea, I know that, I want to be more confident but it's still hard. I mean look at my eyes, I still can't get over the fact that they're red now. I feel like a freak..." I said looking down at my feet. I hear him sigh and walk over to me. He places a hand on my head in comfort. He's not much of a touchy person and it's rare for him to even do this. I smile up at him, silently thanking him.

"Come a long now, it's almost dinner time and it's your turn to make it." He said walking toward the castle. I look at him shocked.

"But you never cook! You say that as if you actually help out on the cooking!" I glared at him. He glares back at me. It's a standoff between us but I️ give in first. He smirks knowing he won. I roll my eyes at the stubborn man.

I use my devil fruit and bring out my wings, so I can head to the castle faster. They look exactly like bat wings but obviously larger. My tail comes out as well; it very long and has a pointed end like a diamond snake head. My horns also come out, spiraling out of my head. I️'m pretty use too this form but the area where I have no confidence is my full demon from... my skin changes color from a light tan to a bluish- grey color. My ears become longer and pointer then normal, and also I grow fangs. The white of my eyes become black making me look more demonic then I already do. Because of the demonic properties of my devil fruit, in my full form, I have a strong bloodlust that I could barely control. Mihawk has tried to get me to train in that form but I don't have the confidence to do it, in fear I might hurt him. In the past year I've been here, there's been close call where I️ lost all control. My favorite thing about my power though, is the ability to fly. I can be freer then anyone out there. I have many different abilities when it come to my power, some I like to use more then others.

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