Part 1

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Dream or Reality?

I was running through Downtown San Diego. Crash is all I heard from behind me. I stopped running frozen in fear, my legs wobbling. I slowly turned around, my heart pumping. I started getting anxious. I finally turned around and was faced with something big, something green. I walked towards it with fear plastered on my face. I was confused and was questioning myself on why I was walking towards it.

I was grabbed by a big hand and was lifted off the ground. My feet dangling in the air. I couldn't see what had grabbed me but I could feel it. I traced my hands up and down, it was bumpy and rough. But I came to a soft part. It felt like baby skin. My thoughts stopped releasing what the surrounding I was in. I was meters off the ground.

I was screaming still in the hand. I saw Tanner, I screamed. I screamed for him. He screamed back

"Wake up baby, Wake up!"

" But I am awake, Tanner it's 11am of course I am awake." I said confused and angry

Then I was hit. I was cut along the side of my arms. I felt the warm blood drip down my arm.

" Skyler! Skyler-Rose, Wake up." It was tanner again.

"Why? I am awake." I was frozen nothing I could do. I felt my eyelids grow heavy, It was sleep. Sleep taking over my body.

I woke up. I was breathing heavily. Tanner was besides me.

" Hey baby are you OK?" Tanner said with red puffy eyes. He has been crying.

" What-What happened?" I asked with curiosity.

"I don't know you ask me!" Tanner said with even more curiosity.

I looked up at Tanner and he has a worried face. He had tears in his eyes.

"Don't cry Tanner" I said still breathing heavily. Tanner replied with

" I don't like seeing you like this, you were moving around and screaming." his voice was soft and touching.

I looked at my arms they were burning. They were covered in blood, I couldn't stand the sight of blood. I have always had bad run ins with blood. I looked back up at tanner and said " Tanner my arms, my arms are bleeding."

"Calm down Skyler. I'm going to take you to the kitchen to clean you up." Tanner said with a worried tone.

Tanner picked me up bridal style and carried me to the Kitchen. It was our Kitchen. The Kitchen was new but still had old components such as an oven and a microwave. The Kitchen was also white, not a bright white but a warm white.

Tanner set me on the cold counter and pulled the first drawer open. It had a Nail and a Hammer. Also in the drawer was lots of spoons, somewhere Serving spoons, Soup spoons and Mixing spoons. But the last Item struck me in a weird way. Tanner picked it up and It was a broken Timer.

I suddenly woke up. Tanner besides me still editing a video. I looked at my hands they were sweaty.

"I thought we were in the Kitchen. How did I get in bed, Tanner?" I was confused.

" What do you mean? We haven't been in the Kitchen today, It's not even breakfast yet. Just because it's warm, sunny and in the middle of Spring doesn't mean we have been in the Kitchen. It is only 4am. What are you talking about? Tanner was starting to get annoyed.

"Where is the timer?" I say confused.

" In the kitchen, in the random drawer. Why?" Tanner's voice calmed down into curiosity.

I quickly ran to the Kitchen and pulled the time out of the drawer. I read the time, it was stuck at 11am. My mind was racing, trying to figure out what was Real and what was a Dream.

"Tanner, what is big, has sharp claws and has rough skin?" I questioned myself.

"Probably a dinosaur. Why?" Tanner asked with even more curiosity this time.

That is why Dinosaurs are not allowed to be dreamt about.

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