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Harry's POV:
So it's Halloween tonight. One of my most hated days of the year. Why? Because it is the night you-know-who attacked my house, killed my grandparents, tried to kill my twin which led to me and my sisters being forgotten by our parents. Well at least by my father.

My mother has been awesome. She has been trying to make up for years of neglect and takes every chance she can to tell me that she loves me. I love it. My entire life I have dreamt of the exact same thing happening, but just with both of my parents.

Chris has been a little annoying prick still. Every since the night with the dog, he has been worse then before, actually talking to me by jabs and insults, and Neville says it is worse in the Hufflepuff common room. He has made so many people hate him.

Ronald Weasley has been just as bad, even worse in some cases, as he acts like Chris but is in Gryffindor so he has more of a chance to annoy the crap out of me.

Hermione Granger is what Neville and Hannah always call her, which is a know-it-all that is obsessed with the boy-who-lived. She has to answer every question asked in class, if he Professor asks someone else to answer and they don't know it or get it wrong, she sighs and shakes her head, then calls out the correct answer that she got from a book. Then she goes on about how everyone is stupid and should read like a dozen more books then we are expected to read. Per Subject! I hate her just as much as Chris and Ronald. They have all become known as the three firsties no one likes.

Everyone else has been alright. Draco is a bully, but he inly bullies the three above mostly. He calls Granger a mud blood, which while I hate the word I understand why, she also keeps on going on about how the wizarding world need to change to be like the better muggle world. And he simply hates Chris and Ronald.

He is one of the few people that actually know who me and my sister are. Since his mother is Sirius' cousin, in a formal event we were introduced, and they haven't told anybody, though Draco's father doesn't know.

My room mates are all good except for Ronald. Seamus and Dean have become the best of friends and good friends of mine. And everyone else has been all good so far.

Except for one person. Susan. She is the reason I am here, on my least favourite day, reading potions books, my least favourite class. This is because I am in her eyes a 'disgrace to wizarding kind because of my success of doing the impossible in the subject in potions, which is making mistakes that can be deadly, though should only be minor.'

It's not my fault potions hate me. I mean why should I have to be put in a seperate dungeon to do my potions. I mean if I make a mistake they can all leave and not be harmed.

Anyway Susan has been on my back constantly about potions. She wants to know why I am so crap at the class when I am at the top 5 of all my other classes. I hate potions.

"Hey Harry, whatcha doing?" My sister asks as she jumps onto the couch on the other side of the table.

"Potions." I quietly answer.

Evie laughs. "Ah, your favourite class." She looks around to look for anybody. "Is uncle Sev really as bad as everybody says he is? Everyone says he hates you."

I nod my head. "He doesn't hate me, I know that. But you know how much I suck at potions. Uncle Sev hates how I hate potions and how much I suck at it."

She nods her head. "Well to be fair, he has tried to teach you."

I sigh. "I know. Never worked did it?"

She laughs and ruffles my hair. "That's cause you suck."

I like my tongue out at her. "I do not!"

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