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okay if we didn't take risks we wouldn't has the idiots and our society today to create all these stupid challenges we has today! cough cough here are a few!

tide pod challenge , bleach challenge , vacuum challenge , ice bucket challenge , etc.

   and we would actually be overpopulated if people didn't do things like comit suicide or just accidentally die like this, so they slightly are a good thing. another thing about risks is that sometimes they can do amazing things like phones and other things like toasters, and if someone didn't try sticking a fork in a power socket, we would have never known it was dangerous! and if no one tried to bathe with their toaster we would have never know it would kill us, another example is if no one tried to sit in a fridge for 15 minutes then taking a boiling hot shower would inflict imenice pain upon you and you would suffer and shrivel onto the floor screeching for help. so risks are good! 

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