Chapter 6- Engagement

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This business trip to New York took up so much of my time I barely talked to Mika. I knew he was busy with the takeover and legalities of Storm company.
But I had to wrap up business here,I couldn't miss his birthday! Even when he was abroad ,I made sure I sent him birthday gifts and flowers. I didn't want him to miss his father's prescence so much. I tried to give him all his father would have given him.
He was so hostile to Stephanie. He wouldn't hear of anything. They bickered day and night!

Am surprised he took the marriage news well. The Mika I know would flip out and leave chaos in his wake. He had a mouth, the things he says!!!! I think and laugh!
How could he think I was in cahoots with Stephanie to Steal his Money! I had more than enough for crying out loud. Can't blame the guy though,most stories turned out like that though.
Father marries younger woman,mistreats the kids,kills old man,steals the rightful heir's fortune.

He had this tendency to come up with twisted theories and think the worst.
When I first became his guardian when he was sixteen, Mika thought  I had spies following him around to kidnap him or something! Why would I do that ! Just because I always knew his whearabouts. He couldnt figure out that his driver reported to me.

I decided to text him and tell him I was coming home,

Hey Mika,Coming home soon...see you
I immediately got a reply,
"See you soon then,bye!

What was I expecting? An I miss you! Come back sooner! Mika had a mind of his own, he was fiercely independent.
The kid has always resented me partly because I was his legal guardian and I had to make decisions for him,he thought i was cold and unemotional, but I couldn't reveal my secret to him,not yet.

My flight was booked for early morning so I could make it in time for his birthday. I also had a huge suprise for him.
After getting the delivery of the very important package I was waiting for,I left to the airport and headed to where my private jet was waiting. I had called earlier and told the pilot to get ready.
I got on the flight and for the first time I was excited to go home. Usually I was so  tied into my work.

After a few exhausting hours,we finally landed and I headed to my apartment and took a quick nap. I quickly dressed up and headed to Mika's.

By the time I arrived, the party was in full swing. As usual Stephanie Outdid herself. She had a good eye for decor.
But I stopped in my tracks! Was that Mika laughing with Stephanie and Greg!
He seemed to be having a civil conversation with Stephanie ! Unbelievable ! Had he finally realized Stephanie cared for him?
He excused himself and continued mingling with guests .
He looked so handsome and Poised today. I stared at him for while. Noticing his little smiles,shaking hands ,I think the company would be in good hands. Networking and creating friendships wa s important.

Then he was called to cut his cake.  A big beautiful gold and white cake with his name scrawled in the middle. He got the knife while his friends counted down for him by spelling his name
He cut his cake and fed his friends. He turned to get  some more cake and I saw my opportunity. I wanted to suprise him and take him unawares.

I went slowly behind him and pressed myself on his back,my breath slowly feathered his neck while one hand held his waist and pulled him into me,his back tensed and I slowly ran my hand down his back and spoke directly into his ear,
"Won't you give your boyfriend cake?" I whisper
He turns facing me wide eyed
"Amret,your back!!" He says
I smile and whisper," I said I would, boyfriend "
"Am not your boyfriend " he fires up
"So what are we? Special friends?" I ask
"Some gentlemen I know would ask first" he says sarcastically
"Feed me some cake first " I coax him looking into his eyes.

By now, the guests were all paying attention to us. He smirks and cuts a piece of the cake and lifts it to my mouth,he twirls it slowly around my lips and then pushes it a little,all the while looking into my eyes.
I slowly take his hand and take a bigger piece of the cake. I turn it towards him and make him take a bite out of it. He slowly chews while we are still pressed close to each other. He looks adorable chewing his cake. When he is finished , I press my lips on his and taste vanilla and chocolate on his lips. He slowly kisses me back and by now all the guests are awwing at us. He opens his eyes and looks into my eyes.
The band starts playing Mika's song, "a thousand years",  a song he's always loved. We start dancing while the guests clap and sway to the song while others dance with their partners, we can't stop looking into each other's lives.

......All along i have died
Waiting for you,
Darling don't be afraid
I have loved you
For a thousand years,
Loved you for a thousand more........"

Mika is teary eyed and I kneel down and the guests gasp. I pull out the blue velvet box I got from New York and there are two shiny diamond studded platinum bands.
I get Mika's hand and put his band on and kiss his fingers. I hold out the second one and and he slips it onto my hand. He kneels down and we kiss.
I feel my heart stuttering in my must have missed a beat. We got so lost into each other and its the clapping of the guests that bring us back.
We pull away and am sure my cheekbones are slashed high with color,Mika is a furious red.
We smile while guests come to congratulate us. Stephanie can't help sobbing while Greg consoles her. She hugs Mika and the guests continue enjoying the party.
Later on at around 4am, Mika starts yawning and I pull him away and tell him to go to bed. He nods and heads off upstairs but I pull him back and kiss him.
He smiles and says,
"Thank you for the suprise "
"Anything for you Mika" I reply.
That night I can't sleep. The memories of tonight are top.

Fellow romantics, what do you think of the proposal? Allow me to gush about a thousand years by Christina Peri..I love it so much,its touching...consider voting and commenting....

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