This is My Church Shirt

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Dedicated to my beautiful reader TheAvengersFanGirl  =) 

The next morning I woke up to a text from Carson asking me if I wanted to go to church with him and his family. I sent him back a message telling him I didn’t get much sleep so I was too tired to go. But he replied saying that he was going to be at my house in fifteen minutes and I had better be ready.

                I sighed and got up, running a brush through my hair. I wasn’t sure what you were supposed to wear to church, so I put on a jean skirt and a nice white blouse just to be on the safe side. If I was over dressed that looked better than being underdressed, right?

                I left a note telling my parents where I was because they were probably tired from last night and I didn’t want to wake them up. After that I went outside and sat on the front step, waiting for Carson to come pick me up.

                The sun was up and was warming up the air already. I could tell it was going to be a beautiful day today. I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air and closing my eyes, just taking it all in.

                Suddenly there was a soft beep noise, startling me from my daze. I opened my eyes to see Carson in his truck sitting in my drive way. I hopped up and skipped to the passenger side, hopping in with a big smile on my face. “Good morning, Carson,” I greeted happily.

                “I thought you were tired?” he smirked.

                “The day is too beautiful to be tired!” I exclaimed, spreading my arms out enthusiastically, almost hitting Carson in the face.

                “Where is this new, very optimistic, Annie coming from?” Carson teased. “I like her.”

                I let out a carefree laugh, today really was going to be a good day. “So are we going or what?”

                Carson smirked and put the truck into drive and we left my house and started heading into town. The radio played music quietly in the background as I looked out the window admiring the wonderful day. Why had I never noticed how pretty everything was?

                “You look really nice today, Annie,” Carson complimented, breaking the silence.

                “Aw, thanks, Carson,” I grinned, turning to look at him. He was wearing a dress shirt and a tie, but with jeans. “You’re looking very handsome,” I told him.

                “I looked like this yesterday,” he pointed out.

                “Well you looked very handsome yesterday too.”

                He rolled his eyes like he didn’t believe me. Which he probably didn’t. Carson wasn’t one of those guys that were ‘classically handsome’, you know, ‘tall dark and handsome’? Carson was more like one of those guys that you have to really look at to appreciate what he looked like. His eyebrows were a little bigger, and some could describe them as bushy, but beneath them were the most beautiful eyes ever. That was one of the most physically attractive things about Carson, his eyes. And of course, his messy curly mop, sat on his head making sure he still looked like a teenager. He was tall, but he was scrawny. He had muscles but they weren’t as obvious as some other guys from school.  I assume he didn’t have girls complimenting him often, but they should be. They just didn’t take the time to really look at him, on the outside and on the inside. No one got to see the real Carson, except for me.

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