Chapter 2 - Bruh....

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* Hailey *

"Bruh!!!!!! Oh my fucking God damn!!!! Nooooo!!!!! Why?!?!?"

"Hailey, what's going on?!? Are you okay?!?" Chris came hurling through the door and grabbed Hailey by the shoulders spinning her around revealing a tear streaked face.

"Hey, are you okay? What's going on?"

The angry expression on her face told him that she was going to scream. She huffed a few times then threw her finger in his face startling him.

"I've got a sliiiiverrrr..." *sniffle*

"Oh my God, what the hell is wrong with you? I thought you were dying!!! Why would you scream like that?!?" Chris growled at Hailey, pushing her away.

Chris was gone in only a few moments and had not looked back at her.

Hailey was a tall, beautiful, tan 22 year old with a nasty habit of swearing. Something Hailey and Z had in common. She was known for her looks and bad ass fighting skills. The only reason she survived the fallout of the apocalypse was because her and Z were kicking ass long before it started. He was a drug dealer, she was the bouncer. But were not going to talk about that.

Z and Hailey loved each other, even though they fought a lot. Z was like a small, deadly, baby crocodile, and Hailey was his fluffy, little, princess piranha. Aweeeee.... Everybody who was anybody and those who were nobody knew to not fuck with their relationship. Cause anybody and everybody and especially the nobody's would get their collective asses kicked if they did. Fun Fact!

It was getting dark out and Hailey knew what was going to happen, the gates, border walls, and all doors would be locked until morning. She didn't have a problem with this until she realized that Z was still out there. Everyone knew that the world was even more dangerous at night. Not only was it almost impossible to see at night but the zombies got antsy at night like they know they're not supposed to be outside this late, drawing them closer and faster to any noise that may or may not be there.

This worried Hailey, she wanted Z to be with her, holding her in his muscular arms sleeping in her bed, warming her back side while he breathed in her ear lulling her to sleep. A tear fell from her face to the ugly brown carpet at the thought of him not coming back home. Locking her door and wrapping herself in her own arms she whispered goodnight to herself and curled into a tight ball in the center of her bed, quickly falling asleep.

*Hi guys thanks for reading this far!!! Keep commenting and voting for a next chapter!!! Hopefully 1 a day since I have nothing to do and millions of ideas!!! Enjoy!*

*BTW This book changes from multiple peoples, ummm... darn what do u call it.... Oh!!! Perspective! Right, it changes from multiple perspectives, but only by chapter. In the beginning of each chapter it will tell you who's point of view your reading from. Anyways, I hope you like it!!!*

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