Chapter 8- The banishment

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I was walking around the compound early in the morning, getting the usual side glances, and dirty looks from gardeners, older people, and the early risers. This really didn't faze me at all, they'll be dead soon anyways. The zombie apocalypse is no place for a geezer. Hailey spent the night in the nurse's office with the kids so I was really lonely. But it's not like that was a bad thing either, 'cause I would rather her not see me pass out.

I turned left, I don't know why, I just did. This took me to the South side of the camp. It wasn't much, it was just tents full of people that I really didn't know. Most of the black-folk were over there. I felt kinda' nervous, I'm not a big people person, if you couldn't tell. I'm definitely not being racist, there was just a lot of people back here. Most of them from the south side of town, ironically. I was so lost in thought, that when I heard a noise, I dove behind some boxes. Stupidly I stood up, because, come on, for real? I'm in the fucking camp.

"I'm sorry, I just got jum-py...", there was a zombie freak standing less than ten feet from me.

It was covered in blood, fresh. It was facing me, I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. It snapped it's disgusting black, blood drooling mouth open and closed. I felt the goose bumps on my legs, then my arms. It was early in the morning and still dark, but I could see that it could see me.

I didn't have any weapons on me, and the nearest object that I could take it down with, was a split two-by-four at the feet of the freak. If I ran it would run too, if I tried to beat it without a weapon it would bite me, if I stood still it would get me, if I hid I think I would be able to get away, but what about anyone else who got in it's way? Would it be able to get to them too?

I decided my fate and took a very slow step backwards. It cocked it's head at me still watching. I wanted to scream, I almost cried. The thing took a mother fucking step forward. I took another step back, then another, and another. I had made about a fifteen foot difference between myself and the freak. I could hear people faintly talking behind me. I kept telling myself, just five more feet then you can turn around, just five more feet. I took a step backwards and kicked a red can. It made a tinking noise as it skidded across the pavement. I looked down at the can and then I looked at the thing. It took a step forward, cocking it's head to the other side, then another step. I froze. It was now walking towards me. I took a step backwards, I tripped, I fell. It was dead-bolting at me. I screamed at the top of my lungs. It dropped on top of me and started clawing at my face and chest. I put my knees up under it's chest and held it there. It was slapping me and clawing at me, trying to bite me. I grabbed it's hands and locked my fingers between it's fingers.

I was still screaming, it was whipping it's head up and down snapping it's jaws open and shut, lunging it's head toward my face and chest. I could feel the blood from the cut on my head trickle down my neck. The bitch was gonna get me if I didn't get it first. I screamed and screamed, yet nobody came. Then I heard some footsteps, I stopped screaming and looked up at two pairs of shoes. One pair was relatively new, black converse I think with bright green laces, the other was an older dirty pair, white and brown, soaked in blood...

I strained to hold the zombie up and look at the strangers at the same time. One was definitely dead, the other one was holding the dead one with a leash. The zombie with a leash on also had a gag made with torn duck tape, it had blood dripping from it. It also wore old holey mittens, also covered in blood. The man with the nice shoes on just shook his head at me, tsking away. He bent down with a leash and hooked it to a dog collar on the freak above me. He then jerked the zombie freak off of me, it was hissing and trying to get to me still. I spun around on the ground and scooted backwards. The man ripped a long line of duck tape he grabbed from his coat pocket, and proceeded to wrap it around the freaks head. The freak soon stopped trying to get to me and just stood there, staring directly at me.

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