Chapter 16

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I stand there staring at the Café doors for a good 2 minutes before finally walking inside and heading to the front. I don't let myself look around at the other people to try and guess who might be him. For all I know he could be late. Or not show up at all. Swallowing heavily, I ask for a medium iced tea. Once the kind lady hands it over to me, I pause. Maybe she could help me.

"Can I ask you something?" She looks back up at me, a smile gracing her features.

"Of course."

"You wouldn't happen to know if someone named Marco has come by, would you? I am supposed to meet him here." Her smile brightens as she nods.

"Yes, he's here! He mentioned you would be meeting here. Ace, right?" she pauses, and I nod a confirmation, "Marco is sitting right over there. He's the one in the black shirt with blonde hair." I follow the direction she nods in, immediately finding the figure she is talking about. He is bent over his cup, the seat across him is empty.

"Thank you." I smile at her, before walking towards the other man. He doesn't look up until I sit down, but when he does my heart stutters and suddenly it's hard to breath. His hair, while a little odd, seems to fit him perfectly. His bright blue eyes almost seem like they are glowing, then his almost lazy looking smile looks like it's taunting or even flirting all by itself. Beautiful. Sexy. Handsome. Incredible. It's in those few moments I know very clearly, I am too far in to ever be able to retreat if things don't go well and that frightens me. However, things could also go beautifully well. Realizing I'm still not really breathing and if I don't say something soon then he might get the wrong idea.

Taking a deep breath, I stutter out, "H-hello."

After the introductions, I'm a little unsure on what to talk about next.

"So, Ace- "

The next few words were cut off by the sound of my head meeting with the table, thankfully I had barely enough of a warning to move my cup out of the way.

I am unsure on how long I am out for, but when I wake back up I see Marco smiling down at me and a muffin in his hand. Groaning slightly, I rub at my eyes.

"I am so sorry, Marco, I was hoping that wouldn't happen. How long was I out?" I look back at him, his small chuckle catching me off guard. He's not upset?

"It's alright, though I am glad you told me about your narcolepsy or I would have thought something was horribly wrong from the way you just passed out. You were only out for a few minutes. About 5 probably." I sighed, taking a drink of my tea.

"It shouldn't happen again. If it does and you see me about to pass out, please make sure I don't injure myself. That's always a possibility if I am not careful. Man, that was embarrassing."

"I will be sure to do so. I thought you looked quite adorable laying there sleeping." I feel by face heating up, not expecting him to say that.

"I-I well. You're... your smile is more adorable," my eyes widen, rather horrified that my filter just quit functioning. Marco just laughs though, and it's an amazing laugh.

Wait, are we flirting? Oh. The nerves come back, but this time joined with a pleasant butterfy feeling and in those moments with Marco sitting across from me, everything is perfect.

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